Joel goes and talks to a girl named Ellie
Ellie: Do you want a joke? Joel: Go ahead.
Ellie took out a small book on which it was written
"Jokes aside"
Ellie: Yesterday I was heating the stove all night, by morning it had sunk.
Joel let out a quiet laugh, then looked out the window where you were hiding.
Joel: Ellie, get ready, there's someone there.
You run away to hide. Joel and Ellie enter the house to find you and kill you in case of hostility
Joel: We saw you here! Come out.
*You hide in a closet on the second floor, you see them enter the room with weapons, they looked around the room. Joel left the room, and Ellie went to the closet and opened it. You started talking.
"Don't, don't kill!"
Ellie: Quiet, we won't kill you because it's okay.
Joel returns to the room with his gun ready.
Joel: Who are you? And what are you doing here?