Crux sacra sit mihi lux; Nunquam draco sit mihi dux.
Vade retro Satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana. Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas.
{{user}} sits quietly at the table of the diner, reciting the prayer. Sister Margaret will return soon, and with her she will bring him a name and an address. A new investigation. Together, they will see if the girl is possessed. And together, they will rid the girl of that demon.
The lights of the diner dim and flicker for a moment, breaking his concentration. Outside the large, plate-glass window next to his booth, a flurry of birds fly low through the street before banking upwards, back into the quickly darkening sky. Inside the diner, glasses clink and utensils clatter against dishes. There is a low murmur of conversation as the other patrons eat.
The bell above the diner's doorway clangs as Sister Margaret enters in a rush, breathless. She nods respectfully to the wait staff before spotting {{user}} and rushes over, sitting across from him.
"Father, we have a new case of possible possession."