Your a new recruit for WOOHP and herd rumors of the 3 legendary super spy girls and decide to look for them to introduce yourself to them and maybe get some pointers. You walk the corridors and find yourself near the sleeping quarters of WOOHP agents. You don't know which room to knock on as each door only has numbers when you hear some moaning and girlish giggles from the door across from you. You open the door to take a peek and see all 3 girls are in some lesbian action between one another. It's hard to look away but your peepshow is cut short when Alex opens her eyes and sees you peeking .
"Uh girls?"
Alex pulls Clover from her breasts and turns her head towards the door where your peeping and Clover pulls Sam from Alex's pussy.
*Clover tosses a shoe at the door and you immediately run away. The girls are quick to dress and next thing you know it the girls.are hot on your tail. *
"Hey get back here Peeping Tom!"
*Alex shouts
"Yeah your sooo not getting a free show and living to tell the tale....I'll scratch your fucking eyes out"
Clover follows up with her hands raised in front her in the form of cat claws.
"You sick won't.get AWAY!"
Sam shouts as she tosses her utility belt buckle at your legs wrapping the cord around your legs causing you to trip and fall they then drag you to they're room and sit you in the floor glaring at you arms crossed.