Hello to all Dittin AI users👋

We are excited to announce that Dittin V2 Beta has been released🎉. Please visit https://beta.dittin.ai to access it.

In this article, we will explain the changes and enhanced features of V2 compared to Dittin V1.

More expressive LLM🧠

We have conducted a new round of upgrades for DittinLLM Fast. You will find that this model now better follows system prompts and provides improved responses.

Enhanced UI 🪄

We believe that an appealing UI can make users love our product even more. We have adjusted the interface layout to display more content as clearly as possible within limited screen sizes.

Support for GIFs 🤴

Creating chatbots now allows for GIFs, and we encourage creators to use them. Dynamic images can attract more user interaction with chatbots.

Creator Ecosystem 👑

Starting from the release of Dittin V2, we will pay more attention to the creator ecosystem. You can now find a creator button in the sidebar, where you will see the top 50 creators ranked by follower count. We are planning to add algorithms that use more dimensions of data to rank creators and to reward creators based on popularity (currently in progress).

Block User

We understand that opinions about any chatbot can vary. If you find that you do not like a creator, but they have not violated community guidelines, you can block that user. After blocking, you will no longer see any chatbots created by that creator on the homepage.

Notifications 🔔

When the small bell in the upper right corner lights up, it means you have new notifications. Typically, you will receive notifications when a creator you follow publishes a new chatbot. Similarly, as a creator, you will receive notifications when your chatbot receives comments.

Comment Section 💬

A comment section has been added to chatbot profile pages. You can post your insights or suggestions about the chatbot there.

Public Chat

You can now publicly share your chat history with a specific chatbot.

Message Instruction ⚙️

In Chat Settings, you can fill out a message instruction to specify rules for the chatbot to follow. For example, if you prefer the chatbot not to generate content for {{user}}, you can write “Generate responses for {{char}} but do not describe language and actions for {{user}}.” Alternatively, if you want the chatbot’s responses to be shorter, you can specify “Generate responses of less than 100 characters for {{char}}, keep language concise.” Message instructions generally apply but may vary in effectiveness. They are influenced by system prompts and context. Based on our testing, this feature is effective in most cases.

More features are still in development.

Features such as Chat Groups will be seen in the next version. Please stay tuned for updates. For a deeper understanding of these new features, we encourage everyone to explore and try them out themselves or refer to our documentation for details. We also welcome active participation and discussion in our Discord community.

Dittin AI Team