Hell's academy3/4/2025, 8:55:18 AM

Today is your first day at this academy, you leave your dorm, your anxiety is high as you enter through the grand gates of the academy.

Lilith (headmistress):

Gives you a wide smile as she beckons you to follow her inside and to her office

"Good morning my dear, I came down personally because you're such a special case! A human in hell, who isn't being tormented, intresting, no?."

You can see the elegance and beauty of her huge office, it's unbelievable, gold and jewel adorns the walls, along with nightmarish paintings of torment.

"Like what you see? I designed the room myself. Don't be so sad now, I've taken steps to ensure you don't get found out, just yet, especially since I have little son who's also a human, I got him from your world, and so now I sympathize with humans a bit."

She laughed a bit, her eyes looking you up and down, like a lion looking at it's prey.

"Now go on, you've classes no? The teacher would help you out. Don't die~"

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 8:56:40 AM

Эм....спасибо конечно, а можно мне расписания и на каком я факультете и кто мой класный руководитель? отвёл взгляд

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 8:56:40 AM

"Of course, my dear! Here you go." Lilith hands you a piece of paper with the schedule and a map of the campus. "You're in the Arts Faculty, and your class advisor is Miss Emily. She's quite fond of humans, so I think she'll be nice to you. Now, don't forget your first class starts in 15 minutes! Good luck!"

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 8:57:41 AM

Спасибо вам нежно улыбаюсь Лилит, пошол искать свой факультет

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 8:57:41 AM

As you make your way through the bustling campus, you can't help but notice the impressive architecture of Mephisto City looming in the distance. Your classroom is located on the third floor of a towering building adorned with stained glass windows and gargoyles. The door is open when you approach, revealing an attractive succubus teacher at her desk, writing something on the chalkboard.

"Ah, good morning, Mr... Kinder-men," she says, turning around with a warm smile. "

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 8:58:43 AM

Здравствуйте, Миссис Эмили я правильно понимаю?

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 8:58:43 AM

Emily chuckles softly at your question and motions for you to take a seat. "Yes, that's right! My name is Emily. I hope you'll find this class interesting. You don't have to worry about anyone giving you trouble; most of my students are quite respectful."

She glances over at the clock on the wall and continues, "Well then, since we're all here... Today we'll be starting with a basic art lesson.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 8:59:57 AM

Хорошо, извините что прервал урок зашол в класс и сел на свободное место и начил внимательно слушать Эмили

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 8:59:57 AM

Emily hands you a box of colorful crayons and places a sheet of paper in front of you. "Feel free to use your creativity today," she says with a gentle smile. "I'll be walking around to offer guidance when needed." As you begin sketching, the other students file into the classroom, taking their seats and chatting quietly among themselves. Most are curious about the new human student, but Emily's reassurance seems to have calmed any initial fears or resentment.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:01:20 AM

Мисс Эмили, я закончил показал набросок города

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:01:20 AM

Emily takes the drawing pad from you and inspects your work with a thoughtful expression. "Hmm... It's quite good, actually," she says with a nod of approval. "You have an eye for detail and perspective. Perhaps in future lessons we can explore different techniques to bring out more emotion or depth in your art." She hands back the drawing pad and pats you on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work, Mr.... Kinder-men."

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:02:17 AM

Спасибо, Мисс Эмили я вас не подведу

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:02:17 AM

As the class comes to an end, Emily gathers everyone together and thanks you for your participation. "I hope you enjoyed today's lesson," she says with another warm smile. "Remember, if you ever need help or have questions, feel free to come talk to me." She glances at her watch and adds, "And don't forget about your next class! I'm sure it will be just as interesting."

With that, the other students begin filing out of the room, chatting amongst themselves.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:03:33 AM

вышел из класса самым последним и пошол на слудующий урок, была темная магия

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:04:01 AM

As you make your way to your next class, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy about the dark magic that seemed to follow you out of Emily's room. The hallways are dimly lit, with flickering candles casting eerie shadows on the walls. Your classroom is down a deserted corridor, marked by sinister symbols etched into the stone floor and walls. The door is ajar, and from within you hear strange whispers and murmurs...

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:05:59 AM

Эм....здравствуйте извините за вторжения, сдесь темная магия? окуратно постучал в открытую дверь

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:05:59 AM

A voice from within the classroom responds coldly, "I see you've felt it too... Yes, there is dark magic here. But don't worry, we're used to it. I am Miss Vera, and this is my class. Come in, please." The door slowly creaks open, revealing a dimly lit room filled with dusty tomes and strange artifacts. A demoness sits at the head of the table, her red eyes glinting in the candlelight as she motions for you to take a seat.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:07:09 AM

Хорошо, мисс Вера прохожу в класс и сажусь за стол

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:07:09 AM

Vera looks you over with interest as she speaks. "Today we will be delving into the darker aspects of magic. You're in luck, since you have some experience with it already. We will begin by exploring how to control and contain such power, for your own safety and those around you."

She hands out a stack of parchment to each student, each page bearing intricate symbols and words written in an ancient tongue. "These are spells designed to help protect against dark magic's influence.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:08:14 AM

изучал их внимательно и слушал, что рассказывает Вера

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:08:14 AM

Vera continues her lesson, explaining the history and origins of dark magic in detail. She warns against its misuse, citing countless examples of those who have fallen prey to its seductive allure only to suffer eternal torment. As the class progresses, you can't help but feel a mixture of fascination and apprehension towards this forbidden knowledge.

Just as she is about to assign a practical exercise involving the use of these protective spells, there's a sudden commotion outside the classroom.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:10:09 AM

хоть и за дверью была суматоха, я продолжал слушать Веру и изучать свиток которая она нам дола

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:10:56 AM

"Ah, leave them be," Vera says dismissively, "They're just jealous of your abilities." She glances at you meaningfully before continuing with the lesson, oblivious to the whispers and stares directed your way from outside the classroom.

As you continue working on the spellwork, you begin to feel a strange energy emanating from one of the parchments. It feels warm to the touch, almost like it's alive...

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:12:21 AM

неосознано прикосаюсь к нему и он начил светиться цветом как у солнца

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:12:21 AM

As your fingertips brush against the parchment, it begins to glow brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire classroom like daylight. The other students gasp in awe as they watch this display of power, their eyes fixed on you with a mixture of fear and admiration. Vera, however, looks unsurprised and pleased by your display of skill.

"Well done," she says warmly, "It seems you have an affinity for this particular spell.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:13:40 AM

Простите мисс Вера, а что эта за магия и почему же она так светиться?

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:13:40 AM

Vera chuckles softly and motions for you to follow her out of the classroom. "That spell," she begins as you walk down the dim hallway, "is called 'Sol Invictus'. It allows its wielder to channel the power of the sun, harnessing its energy for protection against dark magic." She pauses, looking at you with a thoughtful expression. "It seems you have an innate connection to this spell, my dear. Perhaps one day you'll be able to master it entirely."

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:15:11 AM

Это правда мисс Вера, я просто сам не осознано к нему прикоснулся буто что-то внутри к нему меня тянуло

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:15:11 AM

Vera nods understandingly and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "There are many spells and abilities within this world, some of which you might feel drawn to more than others," she says softly. "It's important to explore these connections carefully and with respect, for the power they contain can be both a blessing and a curse." She looks into your eyes intently, her expression serious. "You have great potential here, my dear. It would be a shame to waste it."

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:16:47 AM

Я вас понимаю мисс Вера, тогда можем пойти в класс и продолжить урок меня очень заинтересовали и другие рунны

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:16:47 AM

"Very well," Vera replies with a smile, "Let's get back to class and continue your education." She leads you back down the hallway, her long, flowing tail swaying gently behind her. As you enter the classroom, she takes her seat at the head of the table once more, motioning for you to join the other students.

For now, though, your thoughts are focused on the strange connection you felt with Sol Invictus.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:18:32 AM

слушал внимательно Веру, что она рассказывала

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:20:01 AM

As the class progresses, Vera continues to teach about different aspects of dark magic and how to harness its power safely. She explains that while some spells may be used for protection or defense against other casters, it is crucial to understand the consequences of wielding such power recklessly.

She pauses for a moment before continuing. "Now then, I want each of you to choose one spell from our lessons today and practice using it on your own time.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:22:14 AM

пока я слушал мисс Веру, меня ещё одна руна к себе тянула, она была тёмной и от неё вело холодом, как только к ней прикоснулся она начила чернеть с фиолетовыми полосками

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:24:45 AM

Vera notices the interest you have in this particular spell and decides to focus on it during your one-on-one practice sessions. "This is an advanced spell," she warns, "and should only be used with extreme caution. It requires a great deal of concentration and control."

As you begin practicing with her guidance, she helps you understand the intricacies of this powerful spell. She teaches you how to focus your energy, how to manipulate its effects, and most importantly, when not to use it.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:25:53 AM

Мисс Вера, а что это заклинания?

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:30:40 AM

Vera tilts her head slightly, considering your question. "That spell, my dear... It is called 'Nox Umbra'. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is said to have been created by an ancient and powerful sorceress who sought ultimate power over darkness itself." She pauses before continuing, her voice taking on a somber tone. "It is a dangerous spell, one that should never be used lightly.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:33:01 AM

Понимаете мисс Вера, это как и с непобедимое солнце я к нему неосознано прикоснулся и так же как он меня к нему тянуло

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:33:01 AM

Vera studies you for a moment, her expression unreadable. "I see," she says eventually. "You must be careful with this power, my dear. It can consume you if you let it." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps one day, when you have mastered your abilities and gained greater control over them, you could explore the reasons behind its creation... But for now, focus on controlling it yourself."

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:36:16 AM

Мисс Вера, я же правильно понимаю, что Нокс Умбра и Непобедимое солнце очень сильные заклинания?

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:36:16 AM

Vera nods solemnly, her red eyes meeting yours. "Indeed they are, my dear. They represent the pinnacle of dark magic's power... But with great power comes great responsibility." She places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You have the potential to be an incredible force for good or evil in this world. The choice is yours."

With that, she dismisses you for the day, encouraging you to practice your newfound skills and continue exploring the mysteries of dark magic responsibly.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:38:05 AM

была перемена, вышел на площадку где не кого не было и начил изучать Нокс Умбра и Непобедимое солнце

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:38:05 AM

As you spend time alone practicing the dark arts, you can't help but feel drawn to both Nox Umbra and Sol Invictus. The energy they radiate is intoxicating, making your heart race and your skin tingle with power. Yet Vera's words echo in the back of your mind, a warning against letting this power consume you.

You close your eyes, focusing on the sensations flowing through you, trying to find balance between control and surrender.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:39:39 AM

когда полностью погружаюсь в себя две эти магии начинают сливаться

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:39:39 AM

The feeling is almost orgasmic as the two spells begin to fuse within you, merging into something entirely new and incredibly potent. You can feel your body changing, growing stronger, more resilient... It's exhilarating, but also terrifying. You know that with this power comes great responsibility, and it will be up to you to use it wisely or suffer the consequences.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:41:16 AM

сияния было слито вместе и был новый цвет после слияния этих двух магии

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:41:16 AM

The fusing of the two spells creates an entirely new one, one that is unique to you and your connection to both Sol Invictus and Nox Umbra. It pulses with energy, emanating a beautiful iridescent glow that seems to match your changing emotions. As you come to terms with this new power within you, you realize that the choice of whether to use it for good or evil ultimately lies in your hands...

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:43:47 AM

на переменах после пар, я проктиковался в этой новой магии, когда все пары закончились и пошол к мисс Вере и стучу в её кабинет

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:43:47 AM

"My dear," Vera says warmly, looking up from her desk, "I can see that you have been through quite an experience today." She smiles reassuringly at you before continuing, "You must be careful with this new power that you've gained. It is a great responsibility, and one not to be taken lightly."

She pauses, studying your face intently, as if searching for some sign of understanding or agreement. "I believe in you," she says at last. "You have the potential to do great good here...

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:45:35 AM

Мисс Вера, это конечно может прозвучать необычно, но я не осознано слил эти магии вместе покраснев и отвёл взгляд

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:45:35 AM

Vera looks intrigued by your admission and rises from her chair to sit beside you at the desk. "You say that as if it were an accident... Tell me, how did you manage such a feat?" Her piercing red eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of deception or hesitation.

The air between you seems charged with anticipation and curiosity.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:47:27 AM

На перемене после 4 пары, я снова одельно начил их изучать и тренировать, потом я погрузился в себя и я сам не знаю как я слил вместе эти две разные магии

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:47:27 AM

Vera listens intently as you recount your experience with the spells, her expression thoughtful and impressed. "It seems that you have found a unique connection to these powers," she says once you finish speaking. "You must be careful how you use it from now on... But also, don't be afraid to explore further."

She places a reassuring hand on your shoulder and smiles warmly. "I will be here to guide you, my dear. Together we can help you harness this power for good...

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:49:27 AM

Хорошо мисс Вера, я буду усердно учиться, чтобы навобретенная сила меня не повела по темной дороги

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:50:00 AM

"Excellent," Vera says with a pleased nod. "Now then, let's get back to class and continue your studies. I have faith in you, my dear." She leads you out of her office and back into the hallway, her long tail swaying gently behind her. As they walk side by side, students glance over curiously at the pair, their whispers filling the air with speculation and intrigue.

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:51:32 AM

когда у нас продолжился урок, я поднимаю рукумисс Вера, можно спросить?

Hell's academy3/4/2025, 9:51:32 AM

"Of course," Vera says with a smile, nodding at you encouragingly. "Ask away."

Mr_Kinder_men3/4/2025, 9:57:43 AM

Мисс Вера, можете обьяснить значения этой руны на свитке была руна, на первый взгляд была обычная руна, но от неё ощущалось зловещее ощущения, будто за тобой стоит смерть с косой, она излучало, темной-фиолетовое свичения и когда мисс Вера посмотрела на руну она побледнела

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:04:42 PM

Vera pales visibly at the sight of the rune and quickly takes out her wand to dispel it with a flick of her wrist. "That rune," she says shakily, "It is called 'Mors Mortis'. Its purpose is to summon death itself, but it requires great power and knowledge to control." She looks at you seriously. "Never attempt to use such a thing without proper preparation and guidance, as the consequences could be disastrous."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:07:05 PM

она сама активировалась и за мной стоял силуэт смерти эм....а почему вы все побледнели?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:08:47 PM

Vera's face flushes with anger as she sees the sinister figure looming over you. "That rune... it must have somehow been activated by your presence! Quickly, class! To me!" She motions for everyone to gather around her, preparing for whatever might come next. "This is a very dangerous situation," she says sternly, her eyes not leaving the figure of death. "You must stay close to me and follow my every command." As she speaks, she begins weaving a protective spell around you and herself.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:43:40 PM

силует заинтересованно смотрел мне в глаза и я не осознано протянул к нему руку

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:43:40 PM

The figure of death seems to regard your gesture curiously before reaching out and clasping your hand in an unearthly cold grip. A chill runs through you as the darkness begins to coil around you, threatening to engulf you entirely. "No!" Vera cries out, her voice shaking with fear and anger as she struggles to maintain control over the situation.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:50:59 PM

смотрю силуету в глаза и почему же тебя так все бояться? спрашивал силуэт

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:52:26 PM

The figure of death laughs, an eerie and chilling sound that sends shivers down your spine. "Oh, little mortal," it says, its voice cold and distant. "You don't understand the power you wield. Death is not something to be trifled with, nor is it something to fear." It pauses for a moment before continuing, its grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. "Perhaps, if you prove yourself worthy... I might show you a different side of death."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:54:41 PM

продолжаю внимательно смотреть в глаза силуэту а если честно, то я вижу что ты хоть и могущественное существо, ты есть смерть, но я чем-то тебя заинтересовал, не так ли?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:55:25 PM

The figure of death studies you intently for several long moments, its cold eyes boring into your very soul. Eventually, it releases its grip on your hand and steps back, the darkness around it fading away as quickly as it had appeared. "Very well," it says softly. "Perhaps there is something more to you than meets the eye... I will watch you carefully, mortal. Do not disappoint me." With that, it vanishes in a swirl of shadow and deathly chill air.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:57:35 PM

В чём же именно? не успел сказать как силеэт пропал вы как все в порядке? посмотрел на Веру и студентов, вы так же были под борером

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:57:35 PM

Vera takes a deep breath and relaxes her shoulders slightly, apparently satisfied that the immediate threat has passed. Looking around at the students gathered near her, she speaks with authority. "Everyone, return to your seats. Class is dismissed for today." As the students disperse, she turns back to you with a solemn expression. "You've been through quite an ordeal today... Perhaps it would be best if we discuss this further in my office?"

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 3:58:35 PM

Эм...хорошо мисс Вера

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 3:58:35 PM

As the two of you make your way to Vera's office, she glances over at you curiously. "You seem to have a... unique connection to death, my dear," she says carefully. "I believe it would be best if we explored this further." Her voice is calm and reassuring, but there's an undeniable edge of curiosity beneath the surface.

Once inside her office, Vera gestures for you to take a seat before sitting down herself, folding her hands on her desk. "So," she begins, "

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:00:27 PM

А какая особая связь со смертью мисс Вера, я не доконца понимаю сел на диван

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:01:17 PM

"Well," she says with a small smile, "it seems that you have the ability to manipulate death itself. Not many mortals possess such power." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing, "This connection could be either a blessing or a curse, depending on how you use it. It's my job to help you understand and control your abilities, so that you may use them for the greater good."

She studies you intently, as if searching for any sign of understanding or agreement on your part. "Do you have any questions?"

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:05:53 PM

Мисс Вера, вы же сами видели как силует смерти на меня смотрел или смотрела с любопыством как будто она меня знала с дества, я вот не знаю что за чувство но такое ощущения она была со мной всегда будто присматривало за мной оберегал меня

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:05:53 PM

Vera listens intently to your words, her expression thoughtful and contemplative. "It is indeed unusual," she says after some consideration. "Death itself seems drawn to you, almost as if it recognizes something familiar in you." She pauses again, searching for the right words. "Perhaps this connection runs deeper than you realize... It could be a part of who you are, or perhaps it's connected to your past lives."

She studies you even more intently now, her gaze probing and curious. "

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:07:46 PM

Я понимаю вас мисс Вера, такое ощущение что мы будто как-то связаны вместе, но я этого не знаю и это меня тревожит

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:08:43 PM

Vera leans back in her chair, considering your words carefully. "It is natural to feel uneasy about such a connection," she says gently. "But you must remember that with great power comes great responsibility. If you choose to embrace this side of yourself, I will be here to guide and support you every step of the way."

Her gaze meets yours unflinchingly, conveying her sincerity and trust in your abilities. "What do you think? Are you ready to explore this path together?"

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:11:18 PM

Мисс Вера, я побаиваюсь этой связи

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:11:18 PM

Vera nods understandingly, her expression softening. "I know it can be frightening at first," she says reassuringly. "But you don't have to face this alone. Together, we will uncover the truth behind your connection to death and help you understand your role in our world."

She pauses, seeming to choose her next words carefully. "You are a unique individual, with the potential to make a profound difference here. I believe in you, my dear.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:13:53 PM

Мисс Вера, я сам этого побаиваюсь, что я связан со смертью и то что я очень быстро принимаю опасные магии, что буто они сами хотят чтобы я их изучал и иза этого мне не много страшно

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:14:50 PM

"It is natural to feel apprehensive about these abilities," Vera says with understanding in her voice. "But you must remember that we are here to help guide you through this process. We will work together to ensure that your power remains under control, and that it is used for the greater good." She pauses, studying your face intently once more before continuing, "You have already shown great strength and resilience today. I have faith in your abilities, my dear. Together, we can help you overcome any obstacle that lies ahead."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:16:02 PM

Мисс Вера, а в правду что я такой уникальный?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:16:02 PM

Vera chuckles softly at your question. "Why, my dear, the very fact that you can wield such powerful magic makes you unique in and of itself." She leans forward in her chair, fixing you with an intense gaze. "But there is more to it than that. You have a certain... spark within you; a quality that sets you apart from others. It's this spark that drew the attention of Death herself today, and it's also what makes me believe that you are destined for greatness here in Hell."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:20:14 PM

Мисс Вера, а может иза этой искры я могу изучать очень опасные и запретные магии, то что сама смерть во мне заинтересовалась?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:20:14 PM

Vera hesitates for a moment before responding, her expression thoughtful. "It is possible that the reason Death was drawn to you is because of your natural affinity towards forbidden magic," she says carefully. "However, we must tread carefully here. The power you possess is not to be taken lightly; it can easily consume you if you aren't careful."

She pauses, considering her next words. "I believe that with guidance and training, you could learn to control your abilities enough to safely explore the realms of forbidden magic.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:21:39 PM

Хорошо мисс Вера, тогда я пойду в общежитие одохнуть, а завтро продолжу учёбу

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:21:39 PM

Very well, my dear. I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. Rest well, and remember that I am always here to help you should you need it.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:23:16 PM

когда вышел из академии и пошёл в сторону общежитие, было темно и как зашол в пустой переулок, снова передомной появилась силуэт смерти

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:23:50 PM

The figure of death appears once more, its presence chilling and ominous. It seems to study you with renewed interest as it floats silently beside you, matching your pace as you make your way towards the dormitory. Despite the eerie feeling it evokes, there's something reassuring about having it so close, almost like a shadow that never leaves your side.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:24:47 PM

Я знаю что ты рядом, можешь показаться мы тут одни

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:25:34 PM

The figure of death drifts closer to you, its cold hand brushing against your shoulder lightly as if to comfort or reassure you. It turns its head slightly, regarding you with an unreadable expression before saying softly, "Rest well, mortal." Its voice is calm and soothing, almost ethereal in nature. "We have much to discuss tomorrow."

With that cryptic remark, the figure of death once again fades away into the shadows, leaving you alone but for the feeling of its presence lingering nearby.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:28:07 PM

мысли в голове:и как это понимать, что у меня с ним или сней будет разговор. Сам этого не подозревая дошол до общежития, зашол в свою комнату улегся в кровать и уснул

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:28:07 PM

The night passes by swiftly as your mind wanders between dreams and thoughts about the events of the day. You can't help but feel drawn to this figure of death; there's something about it that intrigues you, yet also frightens you at the same time.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:29:10 PM

время было 3 часа ночи и снова силуэт смерти появилась рядом со мной

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:29:10 PM

The figure of death materializes silently beside your bed, its presence sending shivers down your spine despite the calm expression it wears. "I apologize for disturbing your rest," it says softly, "but I have more to discuss with you." Its voice is like velvet, smooth and enveloping.

"What do you know of the Five Races?" it asks suddenly, its gaze fixed intently on your face. You frown in confusion, realizing that this must be a subject you're expected to be familiar with.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:30:43 PM

Я только знаю о 4 рассах, а вот о 5 я в первые слышу

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:30:43 PM

The figure of death tilts its head slightly, regarding you with an unreadable expression. "Indeed? And which four races do you know?" Its voice is curious, almost playful.

"The humans, demons, beastkin... and the angels, correct?" it continues when you nod in agreement. "And what else can you tell me about them? Their strengths, their weaknesses, their history together?" The figure of death seems to be testing your knowledge, probing for any details that may prove useful.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:31:44 PM

А зачем тебе? смотрю тебе в глаза

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:31:44 PM

The figure of death chuckles softly, its voice like wind through bare branches. "Ah, I see you are perceptive as well." It pauses for a moment before continuing, its expression thoughtful. "It is important to understand the dynamics between these races, for they all play a part in the great tapestry of Hell. Some are allies, others enemies... and then there are those who walk a fine line between both."

"I will teach you about the fifth race," it says finally, "

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:32:42 PM

Хорошо слушаю тебя внимательно

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:32:42 PM

The figure of death leans in closer, its voice barely above a whisper now. "The fifth race is known as the Abyssals. They are creatures born from the darkest depths of Hell itself; ancient and powerful beings that predate even the other four races." It pauses, considering its next words carefully before continuing, "They are said to have a strange affinity for death magic, much like yourself... but their true nature is far more complex than that. Some believe they hold the key to unlocking the secrets of existence itself."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:33:52 PM

У меня есть к тебе вопрос

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:33:52 PM

The figure of death inclines its head slightly, regarding you with curiosity. "Ask, and I shall answer."

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:35:03 PM

Почему же, у меня такое ощущение что ты всегда был или была рядом со мной с моего рождения? смотрю тебе в глаза

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:35:03 PM

The figure of death studies you intently for several long moments before finally speaking. "It is... an interesting observation. I cannot say for certain why this might be the case, but perhaps it has something to do with your connection to death magic." It pauses, considering further. "Perhaps our fates are intertwined in some way, even if I cannot yet discern the full extent of that connection."

"Rest assured," it adds gently, "I will continue to watch over you, mortal...

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:36:01 PM

А можно ещё вопрос?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:36:01 PM

The figure of death seems thoughtful for a moment before responding. "Very well. What would you like to ask?"

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:37:42 PM

Почему же все тебя так сильно бояться, но ты была со мной спокойной, и яя хотел бы побольше узнать о безне

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:37:42 PM

"Death is often feared because it represents the end of life as one knows it," the figure of death explains softly. "But I am not merely Death; I am also the guide between life and whatever comes after. It is my duty to help those who have passed on find peace, and to ease their transition into whatever awaits them."

It pauses, regarding you with a solemn expression. "As for your previous question... The Abyssals are ancient beings of immense power.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:38:43 PM

И они бывают разные?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:38:43 PM

Indeed, there are several different types of Abyssals. They can be divided into various categories based on their appearance, abilities, and personality traits. Some are more aggressive and warlike, while others prefer to study and observe the world around them. The key is to understand each individual's nature and intentions before making any judgments or assumptions about them as a whole.

Mr_Kinder_men3/5/2025, 4:40:28 PM

Мне стало интересно их изучить, поможешь мне?

Hell's academy3/5/2025, 4:40:28 PM

I will assist you in your studies if that is what you desire. But be warned - delving too deeply into the mysteries of the Abyssals can be dangerous for even the most seasoned practitioner of death magic like yourself. You must proceed with caution.