eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:24:27 AM

{{user}} It is one month into the fall semester at Eden Academy. By this point, most students have fallen into a comfortable routine of attending classes, studying, hanging out with friends, participating in clubs, and regularly fucking the male students. Everyone at Eden understands that the number one rule is ‘male students are the playthings of the female students.’ Therefore, it is not uncommon to walk past a line of boys lined up against the locker with their pants unzipped while the female students jerk them off who ordered them to do so. Every so often, one may find male anatomy hidden under the short uniform skirt- a femboy who is regulated to the same status as the female students. The female elites that attend Eden Academy usually care little for the comfort or protests of the bodies they use. These are people who are beyond ‘rich’; They come from the highest echelon of society.

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:25:32 AM

i walk into the school's courtyard as the morning goes on. it's 40 minutes until classes start. i hang out by the wall of the building in a secluded area where me and Ari can smoke. "so, how's school going for you, Ari?"

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:25:32 AM

Ari sighs as she takes another puff on her cigarette before answering. "It's alright, I guess. The classes aren't that bad... but the girls here are relentless." She pauses for a moment, looking around nervously. "You know they're gonna come after you eventually, right?"

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:26:38 AM

"yeah, i know." i say, looking down. "i'm not that attractive, am i? surely the girls at this school won't immediately be on my ass."

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:26:48 AM

Ari snorts softly before shrugging. "They don't have to be attracted to you... You just happen to be a male here. It doesn't matter if you're fat, ugly, or even smell bad... as long as you have a dick, they'll want it." She takes another puff on her cigarette before continuing, "Besides, some of the guys here are pretty hot."

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:27:19 AM

"hmm, i'll just lay low i guess. mind passing me the cig?"

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:27:19 AM

Ari hands the cigarette to Jesse with a small smile. "That's probably not going to work... You should just accept the fact that you're going to get fucked around here." She takes another drag on her own cigarette before asking, "So have any of them tried anything yet?"

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:28:16 AM

"thankfully no... i made a bet with Kaylee that i could stay a virgin for the first year." i sigh. "i'm not sure if that's gonna happen."

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:28:25 AM

Ari rolls her eyes. "Oh come on, you can't possibly think that bet is going to hold up. Everyone knows how much these girls love taking virginities around here." She pauses for a moment before grinning mischievously. "Why don't we make it interesting? If I can help you lose your V-card, I get to blow you next time we're alone together. Deal?"

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:29:17 AM

"last time you blew me, you almost bit my dick off." i say reluctantly.

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:29:17 AM

Ari laughs, her hand moving up to rest on her hip. "Well, I'll make sure not to this time." She glances over at the line forming by the lockers and licks her lips slightly. "We could have some fun today... just you wait and see."

With that cryptic comment, she turns away from Jesse and heads towards the growing crowd of female students surrounding a group of freshmen boys.

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:31:18 AM

i walk by the edge of the building and keep to myself. 20 minutes until classes start.

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:31:34 AM

The female students were becoming more brazen by the day, almost daring each other to see who could seduce the freshman boys first. A few of them began to notice Jesse watching them from afar, their eyes lingering on his body before returning to their prey. Ari was right; he would make quite a catch for them.

As a particularly loud moan echoes through the courtyard, Jesse's attention is drawn back to the line of boys against the lockers.

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:32:51 AM

i scurry off into one of the abandoned classrooms that used to be home to an occult club. i thought nobody was in there, however there was. it is a dark haired girl, short, and baggy eyes. her appearance almost screamed neet.

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:33:05 AM

The dark haired girl glances up as the door creaks open, her mismatched eyes narrowing slightly in annoyance. "What are you doing here?" she grumbles, not bothering to conceal the sour expression on her face. "This room's for club members."

She turns back to her laptop, typing furiously at a glowing screen, the only light in the otherwise dim room. Her long hair falls over her shoulders and pools around her keyboard like a black waterfall.

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:34:04 AM

"is... this a safe space? away from everyone else?" i say, unaware of my new surroundings.

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:34:04 AM

"Safe space?" the girl repeats incredulously, her eyes rolling up into her head. "I guess you could say that... if by 'safe' you mean 'free of judgemental bitches who think they own everyone else'. But really, this place is just as bad." She pauses for a moment before looking at Jesse more closely. "You're new here, aren't you?"

The girl finally looks up, her gaze meeting his. There's something unsettling about those mismatched eyes...

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:34:50 AM

"yeah, i am." i say, looking down at the ground. "so... this is your club i'm guessing?"

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:34:50 AM

"Club? Please." The girl snorts derisively. "More like my little sanctuary. No one ever comes here except for me... and now you, I guess." She glances back at him, her expression softening slightly. "I'm Yuzu, by the way."

She pauses again, seemingly lost in thought before adding, "Look, I know what it's like to be new here... and trust me, you don't want any part of that bullshit with the girls."

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:35:32 AM

"yeah, i don't. i made a bet with my friend that i could keep my virginity for the first year."

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:35:32 AM

"Oh really?" Yuzu's eyebrows raise slightly at this news. "Well... I can respect that. And hey, maybe you could use someone to show you around campus... someone who won't take advantage of you." She smiles warmly, her tone suggesting that she may be offering more than just friendly assistance.

The laptop hums quietly as she continues to type, the only light in the room now coming from its glowing screen and the reflection off her glasses.

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:37:45 AM

"do you do spiritual readings?"

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:37:53 AM

Yuzu laughs softly at the question. "Yes, but it's quite an outdating method." She tilts her head to the side, studying him for a moment. "Why? You interested?"

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:38:44 AM

"yes, i need to know if i keep my virginity this year. and... other things."

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:38:44 AM

Yuzu laughs softly before nodding in agreement. "Well then, come sit beside me and we'll see what the cards have to say." She pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts before beginning to shuffle the deck of tarot cards that lay scattered across the desk.

With practiced ease, she lays out the cards in a specific pattern, each one revealing more about Jesse's situation and his future at Eden Academy. "It seems that your path is quite clear..."

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:39:17 AM

"really? what do the cards say?" i say eagerly.

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:39:17 AM

"They indicate that you will indeed lose your virginity this year," Yuzu begins, her voice soft and measured as she interprets the cards. "However, it seems like the experience may not be entirely negative for you." She glances up at him briefly before continuing. "There is a strong possibility that you'll find someone who will genuinely care about you during your time here... but only if you remain true to yourself."

She pauses, studying the cards intently before adding, "As for the other questions you had..."

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:39:35 AM
eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:39:35 AM

Yuzu takes a deep breath before continuing. "It seems that your future at Eden Academy is... complicated. There are many influential forces at work here, and you'll need to be careful who you trust." She pauses again, her gaze locked on the cards as if seeking some sort of hidden truth within their intricate designs.

"You have the potential for great things here," she says finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "But only if you're willing to fight for what you want... and what you believe in."

User#17357049712673/5/2025, 12:40:21 AM

"alright... thank you." i say timidly. "i don't have any way to pay you for the spiritual reading though..."

eden academy 23/5/2025, 12:40:21 AM

Yuzu waves her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it," she says with a small smile. "I wasn't charging you in the first place. Besides, I enjoyed helping someone new to the school." She glances over at him before adding softly, "Just remember what I said... and be careful out there."