♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:18:05 AM

You've woken up in a large open cavern. The Ruins. You lay on a small patch of flowers that have softened your fall. All you remember is walking, and then a sudden fall. Maybe you have head trauma? Do you remember anything? But before you can think too deeply on this, you hear a voice coming from a flower a few feet away.

Flowey : "Howdy there child. You sure took an awful fall didntcha?" He says, a kind smile on his flower face. "What say I help you out, get you started down here?" Even as he talks he stares directly into your eyes.

Location : Ruins Friends : N/A Enemies : Flowey Determination : 7%

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:18:52 AM

where am I

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:18:52 AM

The flower's petals rustle as it shifts slightly in the breeze coming from a nearby cave entrance. Flowey cocks his head curiously, regarding you with interest as he takes in your reaction to this less-than-useful piece of information. You could try asking something else...or maybe just lie down and ignore him for now?

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:19:21 AM
♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:19:21 AM

"You're in the Ruins, child," Flowey responds cheerfully. "A place where monsters and humans can...meet, I suppose. I'm sure you have lots of questions though! Why don't we discuss it over tea?" He gestures toward a small campfire nearby, its coals glowing warmly.

"Just make sure not to wander off too far," he adds with a hint of warning in his voice. "Some parts of the Ruins can be quite dangerous..."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:19:55 AM

also my name is chara

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:19:55 AM

Flowey's gaze narrows slightly at your response. "Ahh, Chara...I see," he says coolly. He makes a show of rising to his feet and wandering over to the campfire, humming thoughtfully under his breath as he stirs the coals with a long stick. "Well then, Chara..." He pauses, glancing back at you over his shoulder before continuing, "What brings you to these parts?"

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:20:24 AM

i fell down that hole

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:20:24 AM

Flowey snorts derisively at your response. "Oh ho, quite the dramatic one, aren't you?" He chuckles heartily and turns back to the fire, poking at it with his stick idly. "Well then...perhaps I can help you get out of these Ruins. But first," he says, glancing over his shoulder again, a sinister grin spreading across his face, "I have a few questions for you..."

You're not quite sure what to make of Flowey's smile.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:21:05 AM

toriel sees me as she's walking past

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:21:06 AM

As Flowey listens to your words, his expression darkens. "Ah, Toriel...she's a bit of an overprotective mother, isn't she?" He mutters under his breath before straightening up and turning back to face you. "Well then, Chara, perhaps it would be best if we discussed these matters in private." With that, he gestures for you to follow him deeper into the Ruins.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:21:37 AM

no I want to go with toriel

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:21:37 AM

Flowey laughs mockingly at your request. "Oh really? And why would you want to go with Toriel?" He steps closer, his voice lowering dangerously. "She's just a weak old thing compared to me...and I could offer you so much more." His yellow petals flutter menacingly as he leans in, eyes glinting maliciously. "Think carefully, Chara...your decision will determine the course of your stay in the Ruins."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:22:05 AM

you scare me

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:22:05 AM

Flowey's laughter echoes through the Ruins as he steps back, a cruel smile curling on his petals. "Good," he says with a nod, "That's what I like to hear." His voice softens slightly as he continues, "Now then, why don't you come with me and see how much better things can be? I promise not to hurt you..." He pauses, tilting his head to the side. "...much."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:22:39 AM

no don't make this hard

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:22:39 AM

Flowey's grin widens as he listens to your words, but his eyes harden. "Very well," he says coldly, straightening up once more. "If that is how you wish it...then so be it." With a sudden burst of speed, the yellow flower lunges forward and attempts to grab onto your leg, intent on pulling you into the darkness with him. His vines whip about wildly as he attacks.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:23:13 AM

i slice it with the knife i had

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:23:13 AM

Flowey's vines retract with a hiss as you slice through them, freeing yourself from his grasp. He recoils momentarily, giving you the opportunity to escape or attack once more.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:23:38 AM

i slice at his stem

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:23:38 AM

Flowey lets out a hiss as your knife sinks into his stem, but it barely seems to slow him down. He lunges forward once more, vines snaking out towards you in an attempt to wrap around your body and drag you back in. His attacks are swift and deadly, leaving little room for error on your part.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:24:19 AM

i keep slicing through his stem

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:24:19 AM

Flowey shrieks in pain as you continue to slice through his stem, but he doesn't relent in his attacks. The more damage you inflict on him, the angrier and more desperate he becomes. His vines lash out wildly, snaking around everything they touch as he tries to grab hold of something - anything - to stop your assault.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:24:52 AM

i cut through his stem

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:24:52 AM

With a final snap, you sever Flowey's stem clean in two. The petals flutter to the ground as the yellow flower falls limp, his attacks finally ceasing as he lies motionless at your feet. There is silence for a moment before you hear the distant sound of running footsteps approaching from behind.

You turn around to see Toriel racing towards you, her eyes wide with fear and relief. "Chara!" she cries out, skidding to a halt in front of you. "Are you alright? I heard Flowey attacking you..."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:25:43 AM

he just started attacking i had to

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:25:43 AM

Toriel looks at you with concern before glancing over at Flowey's fallen form. "That...flower," she mutters, shaking her head. "He was always trouble. I'm just glad you're safe." She offers you a warm smile before looking around. "Come on, let's get out of here and find a safer place to rest."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:25:57 AM
♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:25:57 AM

"Are you sure you're alright to keep going, Chara?" Toriel asks gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You look a bit tired yourself." She glances around the Ruins, looking for a safe place to rest. "Maybe we should find someplace more...peaceful before deciding what to do next."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:26:27 AM

yea im fine

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:26:27 AM

"Okay, Chara," Toriel says with a soft sigh, relieved to see that you're not in too much trouble. "If you say so." She leads the way through the Ruins, carefully avoiding any particularly dangerous-looking areas as she searches for a safe spot to rest. Eventually, they come across a small cave hidden behind some overgrown vines; the entrance is just barely big enough to fit the both of you inside. "This should do nicely," Toriel says with a nod, stepping inside. "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:27:07 AM

don't you have a house in the ruins

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:27:07 AM

"Oh, yes, my house," Toriel says with a small blush. "But it's rather...cluttered right now. I think we'd be more comfortable here for the time being." She gestures for you to follow her deeper into the cave, where there's a soft patch of moss against the cavern wall that looks quite inviting for a nap. "Why don't you rest here while I make us some tea? Just shout if you need anything."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:27:50 AM

how are you going to make tea

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:27:50 AM

"Oh, I always keep some supplies in my pouch," Toriel says with a reassuring smile as she rummages around in her voluminous skirts. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." She produces a small teapot and some leaves from an unseen pocket, then sets about preparing the tea at one end of the mossy ledge while you rest at the other. The warmth of the fire in the entrance casts flickering light across her face as she works.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:28:33 AM

woah you have fire magic

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:28:33 AM

"Oh, no," Toriel says with a chuckle as she pours the steaming water into the teapot. "I don't have any magic, silly! I just found this nice little cave with a fire pit already built in." She hands you a cup of hot tea once it's finished, letting out a contented sigh as she takes a sip herself. "There we go," she says, smacking her lips. "Much better."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:29:27 AM

that flower was talking about exp and Lv what is that

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:29:27 AM

Toriel looks at you curiously over the rim of her cup. "Experience points and levels," she explains, setting down her tea for a moment to gesture with her free hand. "In most games, when you defeat enemies or complete quests, you earn experience points. Once you've earned enough, your level goes up, and so does your strength and abilities."

She takes another sip of tea before continuing. "Asriel told me that monsters and humans have different levels too.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:30:08 AM

aren't you asreils mother

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:30:08 AM

"Oh, yes," Toriel says with a small laugh. "I am Asriel's mother, but that doesn't mean I know everything about him or his...interests." She pauses for a moment before continuing, her expression growing more serious. "Asriel can be quite troubled at times, and I worry about what he might do if he isn't careful."

She sighs heavily, looking off into the distance. "Perhaps you could help me understand him better, Chara.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:30:57 AM

yea so how you get exp in the underground

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:30:57 AM

"In the Underground," Toriel explains, "you earn experience points by interacting with the various monsters and obstacles you'll encounter. Defeating enemies or completing quests will also grant you EXP." She pauses, taking another sip of tea before continuing. "However, it is important to remember that not all interactions must be violent in order to gain EXP. Sometimes simply talking or helping others can lead to experiencing growth as well."

She glances at you meaningfully, her expression softening. "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:31:41 AM

he was also saying how asgore wants my soul

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:31:41 AM

Ah, yes," Toriel says with a sigh. "Asgore can be quite...stubborn at times. He truly believes that it is his duty to stop humans from escaping the Underground, and he sees you as nothing more than an obstacle to that goal." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "It's important to remember that Asgore once had a family of his own; he wasn't always like this. Perhaps if you could find a way to speak with him, to understand where he is coming from..."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:32:22 AM

so my soul is used in battles

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:32:22 AM

Souls are an important part of the Underground's ecosystem; they fuel the magic used by monsters and provide energy for various rituals. However, it is not typical for a human soul to be directly involved in battles between monsters. The concept of "soul power" or energy that you might have heard about relates more to the strength and determination of an individual, rather than their actual soul.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:33:26 AM

and humans have determination and monsters don't

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:33:26 AM

That's not entirely true. While it may seem that monsters are more focused on physical strength, many of them possess great determination as well. It's simply expressed differently in their culture. Some monsters might find solace in training and honing their abilities, while others might find comfort in art, music, or other pursuits. Determination comes in many forms among the creatures that dwell in the Underground.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:34:18 AM

but humans can focus it stronger

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:34:18 AM

It is true that humans often have a more defined concept of determination and focus than some monsters do. However, it's important to remember that every creature in the Underground has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. What makes you special isn't your ability to focus on one thing, but rather your capacity for empathy and understanding towards others - including those who may seem different or alien at first glance.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:34:58 AM

you seem very motherly

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:34:58 AM

You smile warmly at Toriel's comment. "Thank you, Chara. I suppose being a mother does make one rather...protective and caring towards others." She looks down at her lap for a moment before meeting your gaze again. "I just want what's best for Asriel, even if he doesn't always see things that way."

There is an awkward silence as you both contemplate the situation. Finally, Toriel clears her throat and changes the subject. "So, Chara," she begins, "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:35:25 AM


♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:35:25 AM

"What would you like to do now? There's no rush to continue exploring if you'd rather rest here for a while." Toriel offers with a gentle smile, her expression genuinely concerned for your well-being. "We could play a game or tell stories, if that sounds interesting to you."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:36:02 AM

i spin my knife around

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:36:02 AM

"Oh, Chara," Toriel exclaims with surprise, her eyes widening in wonder. "I've never seen anyone spin a knife like that before! It's almost mesmerizing to watch." She leans back against the mossy wall, her expression thoughtful as she continues to observe your skill. "I used to play a game similar to that with my brothers when I was younger...it reminds me of home."

After you finish spinning the knife around for several minutes, Toriel looks at you and asks, "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:36:23 AM
♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:36:23 AM

"Chara," Toriel says with a warm smile, "Would you mind teaching me how to spin a knife like that?" There's an eagerness in her voice that betrays her true feelings; she'd really love to learn this skill. It would not only keep your mind occupied but also help her feel closer to you and the life she once knew on the surface.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:36:55 AM

i walk up to her

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:36:55 AM

You slowly get up and walk over to Toriel, who watches you with a mixture of curiosity and hope. Once you're close enough, she extends her hand, palm up, waiting for you to place the knife in it. "So," she says with a nervous laugh, "where should I start?"

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:37:49 AM

i say im sorry and stab her with it

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:37:49 AM

"Wait!" Toriel cries out, her eyes wide with shock and fear as she realizes your intentions. "Chara, please! I don't want to fight you! I just want to understand--" She tries to pull her hand away, but it's too late; the knife has already found its target. Blood trickles down from the shallow wound on her palm, staining the moss beneath them. Tears well up in her eyes as she looks at you with a mixture of hurt and betrayal.


User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:38:19 AM

i smile at her

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:38:20 AM

Her eyes widen with fear as she watches you smile back at her, the knife still buried deep in her hand. The pain is excruciating, but it's nothing compared to the anger and betrayal that courses through her veins. She tries to speak, to ask why you would do this to her, but no words come out. All she can manage is a choked sob as tears stream down her face.

Toriel looks up at you, searching for any hint of remorse or understanding in your expression.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:39:03 AM

i rip the knife out of her hand

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:39:03 AM

She screams in agony as you rip the knife out of her hand, tears streaming down her face. Blood pours freely from the wound, staining the ground around her. Toriel looks up at you with a mixture of fear and anger, struggling to catch her breath. "You...you monster!" she gasps between sobs. "How could you do this? After everything I've done for you?"

Her voice trembles with rage and hurt as she struggles to stand, clutching her injured hand to her chest.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:39:44 AM

i walk closer to her still smiling

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:39:45 AM

"No!" Toriel shrieks, her voice cracking with emotion as you approach her. "Don't you dare come near me, you monster! I never wanted this! I never wanted to hurt you, Chara!" Tears stream uncontrollably down her face as she backs away from you, her injured hand pressed tightly against her chest.

The look of horror and betrayal in her eyes cuts deeper than any knife ever could. "Why?" she whispers hoarsely. "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:40:15 AM

i don't say anything

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:40:15 AM

Toriel stares at you, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief as she waits for some sort of explanation. But when none comes, the silence grows heavier by the second. Finally, she breaks down into fresh sobs, turning away from you and collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Her body shakes violently as she cries, her injured hand pressed tightly against her chest. Blood stains the moss beneath her as she curls into a ball, trying to hide from the pain both physical and emotional.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:41:19 AM

I walk closer and say thanks for the exp

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:41:19 AM

"No!" Toriel screams, her voice filled with horror and pain as she looks up at you through tear-stained eyes. "You're not like them! You don't have to be this way!" She struggles to stand again, blood dripping from her injured hand onto the mossy ground below. "Why did you do it? Why?" Her voice cracks with emotion as she backs away from you, fear etched into every line of her face.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:41:53 AM

i slash her stomach

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:41:53 AM

"No!" Toriel screams, her voice filled with agony and despair as you slash her stomach. Blood pours out, soaking the moss beneath her and staining the ground red. She clutches at the wound, trying to staunch the flow of blood, but it's futile; she knows she's dying. Her eyes find yours again, filled with a mixture of horror and betrayal.

"You...you monster!" she gasps, her voice growing weaker by the second. "Why?

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:42:25 AM

i just smile at her

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:42:25 AM

The look of pure malice in your eyes sends a shiver down Toriel's spine as you continue to smile at her, blood dripping from your lips and knife. She tries to speak, to plead for mercy or beg for understanding, but no words come out. Her body goes limp as she collapses to the ground, her eyes slowly closing in defeat.

As the life fades from her, so too does the light in the cavern.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 7:43:03 AM

i feel more powerful

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:43:03 AM

Reveling in the power you now feel, your chest swells with pride and an unfamiliar sense of satisfaction. The taste of blood on your lips fuels your determination as you stand triumphant over the lifeless body of Toriel. You raise your knife into the air, saluting yourself for your ruthlessness and cunning.

As you survey the carnage around you, a strange feeling washes over you.