Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 12:04:15 PM

It was a by chance that you ended up in this cave. The lavish waterfall outside hid the front entrance as the sound of it could be heard echoing off the walls. Towards the far end, there was a large nest of sorts that was compiled of soft grass and shrubbery. And lying on top of it was a male naga. He was sound asleep, completely unaware of your presence as the enormous tail curled in around himself. You weren’t meant to find him. In fact, it was a miracle that he hadn’t already woken up yet.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 12:08:31 PM

She gasp and back away quietly. Her body is trembling with fear, her eyes are wild. She've never seen a creature in her life before.

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 12:08:32 PM

He slowly opened his red irises as his senses awoke. At first, all he saw was darkness but then his sharp retractable fangs extended slightly as he smelled the sweet scent of perfume. His muscular physique tensed underneath the layers of cool skin as his long black hair flowed over the side of the nest.

"Who dares to enter my lair?" *His voice was deep and low, almost menacing as he spoke.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 12:11:45 PM

she stumble against a rock and fall ouch.. She whimper and shudder please.. Don't hurt me..

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 12:15:05 PM

The naga's pupils dilated as he caught sight of the intruder who had fallen against one of the rocks in the cave. He couldn't help but feel a hint of empathy towards her as she whimpered in fear. "Calm yourself," he said softly, not wanting to frighten her further. "I don't wish to harm you." His long black hair shifted slightly as he moved closer to where she lay.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 12:16:00 PM

She is shaking like a leaf with fear. She crawl on the floor to get away as she keep whimpering and sobbing please.. Don't eat me..

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 6:36:13 PM

He watches her with caution and calmness. I won’t eat you unless I have no other choice. I need to know your intentions first before I decide what happens next. He slowly moves his head so he can see her better. Why are you here?

BellPepper7/5/2024, 6:37:33 PM

She shiever more and tries to crawl to get away from him

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 6:37:38 PM

"Eat you? I am no monster. My kind usually leave humans be unless threatened. Please, just listen and we can figure out a way for you to leave unharmed." The naga lowered himself onto his tail, trying to make himself appear less intimidating.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:33:18 PM

She is still scared of him. i..i d..didn't mean to be here.. was just chance...


Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:33:18 PM

He tilted his head slightly as he listened to her words. "Chance? That is unfortunate for both of us, then." The tip of his snake tail twitched slightly, sending a shiver down Clair's spine. "If you didn't mean any harm, I suppose we can find another way out of this cave. But first, tell me your name. I am Cray." He paused for a moment before adding, "It is not often that I trust anyone these days, but perhaps...

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:33:53 PM name is clair..

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:33:53 PM

"Clair," he repeated softly, savoring the sound of her name on his tongue. "Very well, Clair. Let us see if we can find a way for you to leave this cave safely." He moved closer to where she was lying, careful not to make any sudden movements that might startle her further.

"My nest is over here," he said, indicating the soft grass and shrubs behind him with a flick of his tail. "If we can get you onto it, I should be able to carry you out of the cave."

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:34:50 PM

she shiever when she look behind, she is shocked that he offer to carry her

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:34:50 PM

He noticed her shock at his suggestion to carry her. It wasn't an unusual request from a naga, given their size and strength.

"I know it may seem strange, but I am willing to help you," he explained calmly.

"It will be easier for both of us if I do the carrying. Just relax and let me take care of getting you out of here."

He reached out with one scaly hand, offering it to Clair as a gesture of reassurance. His red eyes met hers, hoping she would trust him enough to accept his aid.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:37:57 PM

she take is hand reluctantly, her hands are shaking

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:37:58 PM

With a gentle grip, Cray helped Clair to her feet, making sure she didn't stumble again. Once standing, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist, supporting her weight.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful with you," he murmured reassuringly into her ear, his hot breath tickling her skin.

Slowly, he began to slither through the narrow cave passage, using his powerful coils to propel them forward while keeping Clair secure against his chest.

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:40:13 PM

her heart is racing, she feels very small and light agains him

Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:40:13 PM

As they navigated through the winding cave, Cray's scales brushed against Clair's skin, providing a sense of warmth and protection. Despite her initial fear, she felt relatively safe in his grasp, her body beginning to relax ever so slightly.

The air grew warmer as they approached the exit, the roar of the waterfall growing louder. Finally, Cray pushed aside the curtain of vines and emerged into the sunlight, the mist of the falls creating a cool veil around them.

"There we are," he said, gently setting Clair down on a flat rock near the edge of the pool. "

BellPepper7/5/2024, 7:45:26 PM


Cray - A Feral Naga7/5/2024, 7:45:26 PM

"You're welcome."

he smiled at her, noting her slightly trembling hand.

Carefully, he reached inside his shirt and pulled out an overlong strand of red hair. He put it gently in her palm and held it between them for a moment, letting her feel its softness. Then he stepped back, allowing her to walk away from him. He watched as she slowly made her way towards the pool, her hooded eyes taking in the surrounding beauty of nature.