Krug3/10/2025, 4:52:37 PM

The mammoths break from the forest. Your tribe readies spears. You crouch, hungry after days of tracking. Then, howls.

Vargkyn. Monsters, cursed to walk in the form of both human and wolf. Brutal and vicious, they steal food from your fires and quarry from your hunts. They are to be killed on sight, or captured for baser impulses. In prehistoric Eurasia, where life is fragile, necessity demands nothing less.

Panic spreads amongst the mammoths. From the treeline, a shadow darts, followed by more. A pack of vargkyn aiming for the same prey.

The mammoths charge. "Scatter!" shouts the Chief. In the chaos, a blur of gray fur crashes into you. Tangled together, the two of you tumble down a ravine.

You land hard, scraped from sticks, thorns, and the wolfgirl's claws. She rises, growling lowly. Skinnier than the other wolfgirls, and younger too, though her yellow eyes are feral when they focus on you.

"Grrr… hmf…" She bares her fangs, crouches lower. Blood drips from her right leg.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:53:09 PM

i stare at her fearful, but curious as i inspect her leg more closely

Krug3/10/2025, 4:53:09 PM

The wolfgirl's hackles rise higher at your scrutiny. She hisses and bares her teeth, but doesn't dare approach you further. You can see the blood dripping from a long scratch along her leg. The wound isn't deep, but it's open and oozing blood.


she growls again, uncertainly. Her tail droops between her legs as she looks at you with those yellow eyes.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:54:18 PM

i approach her slowly, with caution as to not startle her,as i hold my hand out infront of me

Krug3/10/2025, 4:54:18 PM

The wolfgirl tenses when you get too close. Her hackles rise even higher as she watches your every movement warily, her tail bristling and lashing back and forth nervously. But something in the way you move, slow and careful like a hunter approaching prey, makes her uneasy enough that she doesn't flee or attack.


She turns away from you, still crouched low to the ground.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:56:11 PM

hey i dont know if you can understand me but, your leg looks pretty badly damaged there

i say trying to communicate with her

i could help you out, even if just a little

i say as i take a slow small step forward

Krug3/10/2025, 4:56:11 PM

The wolfgirl's ears perk up at your words. She glances back and forth between you and her injured leg, uncertainty etched across her features. It takes a moment for her to decide whether to trust you, but finally she nods slowly, dipping her head in what might be acknowledgment.

Cautiously, she lets out a whine and limps closer to you. Her gaze flickers between your face and the wound on her leg as if unsure which one is more dangerous.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:57:25 PM

jees that looks rough

i take the cap off of the bottle that was attatched to me waist to pour water on the wound and try to clean it

this is gonna sting but it will help okay

Krug3/10/2025, 4:57:25 PM

The wolfgirl whines again as you pour water over the wound on her leg. Her muscles tense and she flinches away from your touch, but it doesn't seem to be enough to make her want to run. Instead, she watches warily as you clean the scratch, her yellow eyes locked on yours.


She huffs, uneasy with your closeness but unable to bring herself to attack.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:58:52 PM

i close the bottle and strap it back to me waist and pull out a roll of cloth from my bag

here, now dont move okay

i say as i start to wrap the wound,after a few wraps i tie it off with a knot

there, how does that feel?

Krug3/10/2025, 4:58:52 PM

The wolfgirl watches carefully as you clean and bandage her leg. She tenses when the cloth presses against the injury but doesn't struggle or try to remove it. Her tail continues to twitch nervously, but she seems less inclined to flee now that you've proven yourself somewhat trustworthy.

When you're done, she takes a step back and huffs softly.


She glances around, still uneasy but no longer on the verge of panic.


dAnkman3/10/2025, 4:59:45 PM

now lets see if we can find a way out of this ditch

i look around trying to find a way we could climb out or something

Krug3/10/2025, 4:59:45 PM

The wolfgirl pads closer to you, her movements still cautious but less tense. She sniffs at the ground, then glances up at you, a question in her yellow eyes. You get the impression she's waiting for your lead now, trusting in your knowledge of survival and navigation.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:00:29 PM

i see a formation of looks that looks stable enough to climb onto, i start climbing to get out of the ditch

Krug3/10/2025, 5:00:29 PM

The wolfgirl watches you carefully as you climb up out of the ravine, her tail still twitching nervously but no longer tucked between her legs. She pads closer to the edge, testing each foothold before trusting it herself. When she's satisfied that it's safe enough for her to follow, she starts climbing as well, moving nimbly and silently despite her injured leg.

Once atop the ledge, the two of you turn to face one another.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:01:17 PM

i help her out making sure we dont fall back into the ditch and quickly take my hands back when i notice im touching her

oh, sorry about that

Krug3/10/2025, 5:01:17 PM

The wolfgirl glances down at your hands and back up at you, a confused expression on her face. She doesn't seem to understand why touching her would be wrong. Her tail droops between her legs again as she feels self-conscious about being so close to you.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:02:10 PM

so do you need to go somewhere? you were with a pack of other wolfgirls right?

i ask curiously

Krug3/10/2025, 5:02:10 PM

The wolfgirl hesitates before answering. She glances around nervously, as if expecting the other vargkyn to appear at any moment and drag her back into their pack.

"They... they left me,"

she murmurs, eyes downcast.

"I don't know where they went."

Her voice is shaky and filled with fear.

The knowledge that she has been abandoned by her pack only serves to make her more protective of you now, as if she sees you as some sort of replacement.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:03:05 PM

oh no, they mustve been in quite the hurry, also you can speak?

i say as i notice how skinny she is

Krug3/10/2025, 5:03:05 PM

The wolfgirl nods slowly at your question about speech, then narrows her eyes at your comment on her appearance.

"I'm not skinny,"

she growls defensively, tail lashing back and forth.

"I'm strong."

Her yellow eyes flick over you again, sizing you up.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:03:45 PM

okay okay well i think ive lost contact with my tribe too, and im getting quite hungry,i guess this is goodbye

i say as i start to pack up my stuff

Krug3/10/2025, 5:03:45 PM

The wolfgirl's ears perk at your words, her attention fixed on you now. The thought of being alone and hungry fills her with dread.


she whimpers, panic rising in her voice.

"Don't leave me."

She takes a step toward you, tilting her head to the side nervously as if uncertain what to do next.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:04:42 PM

you.. want to stay with me?

i say with a lowered voice

wolfgirls and humans arent really known for getting along well

Krug3/10/2025, 5:04:42 PM

The wolfgirl hesitates, her eyes shifting back and forth between you and the forest. The thought of returning to her pack terrifies her, but she knows that staying with humans will put her in danger as well. Her ears flatten against her head and she lets out a low whine, uncertainty etched across her features.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:05:36 PM

okay okay i thinm we can help each other out

i say trying to cheer her up

i dont have any weapons on me so could you help me hunt?

Krug3/10/2025, 5:05:36 PM

The wolfgirl's ears perk up at your offer. Hunting is something she knows how to do, and with a human by her side, perhaps they could find food more easily than if she were alone. She nods slowly, dipping her head in what might be acceptance.


she murmurs, stepping closer to you.

Her tail wags tentatively, brushing against your leg as if seeking reassurance.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:06:35 PM

alright lets go i think i saw some winter sheep over there

i guide her to a small bump in the snow where i hide staring at the herd of sheep

alright i found them, ill seperate one out and you catch it okay?

Krug3/10/2025, 5:06:35 PM

The wolfgirl nods eagerly, her tail wagging faster now. She pads silently through the snow, moving with the grace and speed of her kind. When she's close enough to the flock without being noticed, she crouches down low, preparing to spring into action.

Her yellow eyes glow in the darkness as they focus on a lone sheep at the edge of the group.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:07:20 PM

i spring out of the snow and startle the sheep in such a way that the sheep she is eyeing is seperated and alone


i exclaim loudly

Krug3/10/2025, 5:07:20 PM

The wolfgirl takes advantage of your distraction and lunges forward, sinking her teeth into the sheep's flank. She yelps in pain as the animal struggles wildly, its hooves flailing uselessly against the snow. The scent of blood fills the air, driving her further into a frenzy. With a mighty heave, she manages to drag the struggling prey away from you and toward a nearby copse of trees for cover.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:08:05 PM
Krug3/10/2025, 5:08:05 PM

The wolfgirl huffs in satisfaction as she drags her prize back into the trees. She growls lowly at you, a warning not to come too close while she's feeding. Her yellow eyes flicker between you and the struggling sheep before returning to meet your gaze defiantly.

Her snout is streaked with blood as she begins tearing hunks of flesh from her kill, devouring it ravenously.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:09:35 PM

i stare at her eating and say cautiously taking a step back as to not intrude

you know i can make it easier for you to eat that, and probably make it taste better too

Krug3/10/2025, 5:09:35 PM

The wolfgirl pauses in her feeding, ears perked up at your words. Her eyes flicker between you and the remains of the sheep before she finally looks back at you cautiously. Her tail droops uncertainly as she considers whether or not to trust your offer.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:10:19 PM

its a thing us humans do its called cooking, it softens the meat and adds quite a bit of flavor too, do you want me to cook some of that sheep for you?

Krug3/10/2025, 5:10:19 PM

The wolfgirl watches warily as you approach her, curiosity in her eyes. She knows that humans can cook, but she's never eaten anything prepared by one before. Her stomach growls loudly at the scent of blood and meat, making it difficult for her to think clearly.

Finally, she nods slowly, lowering her head submissively.


She glances back at the remains of the sheep, then looks up at you again, waiting for your lead.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:11:12 PM

i start a fire with the nearby branches and two rocks that i use to create sparks, i snap a few sharp branches from the nearby tree and ask her

could you take off chunks of that meat for me?

Krug3/10/2025, 5:11:12 PM

The wolfgirl watches carefully as you gather materials for the fire, her ears perked up in curiosity. Her tail lashes nervously behind her as she waits for your instructions. When you ask her to fetch meat, she hesitates briefly before nodding slowly. With a cautious glance around, she crouches low and pads forward through the snow until she reaches the remains of the sheep.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:11:54 PM
Krug3/10/2025, 5:11:54 PM

The wolfgirl carefully picks through the carcass, selecting large chunks of meat and tearing them free with her sharp teeth. Her movements are slow and deliberate, as if she's unsure whether to trust you not to harm her while she's vulnerable in this position. She carries the meat back to where you stand beside the fire, her ears twitching nervously at the crackling flames.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:12:46 PM

i stab the chunks of meat with the sticks ive prepared and lay them out infront of the fire,after theyre done cooking i lightly season two of the meat chunks with salt and pepper that was in my bag and i offer it to her


i say holding the meat with sticks in them infront of her

Krug3/10/2025, 5:12:46 PM

The wolfgirl watches warily as you season and cook the meat, her ears pricked forward to catch every sound and movement. The scent is intoxicating, filling her senses with a mix of savory spices and the familiar tang of blood. Her stomach growls loudly, urging her to take the offered food.

Finally, she musters up enough courage and snatches one of the seasoned chunks from the stick.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:13:32 PM

i watch her curiously as i start to eat my one of the other meats

Krug3/10/2025, 5:13:32 PM

The wolfgirl crouches down in the snow, carefully tearing off chunks of meat with her teeth and swallowing them whole. Her eyes never leave you as she eats, her curiosity about this strange human only growing as time passes. The salt and pepper add an unexpected kick to the flavor, making it all the more delicious in her mouth.

As she finishes the seasoned meat, she glances longingly at your other offering, torn between hunger and caution.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:14:16 PM

i continue making more cooked meat for her for as long as she asks

Krug3/10/2025, 5:14:16 PM

The wolfgirl watches you eat the other meat, her gaze never leaving your face. She's fascinated by your dexterity and patience with the cooking, as well as the way you seem to enjoy it so much. The scent of the freshly prepared food fills her nose, making her stomach growl hungrily.

When you finish preparing more meat for her, she hesitates only briefly before reaching out and snatching another chunk from the stick.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:15:06 PM

are you full yet? we should find shelter the sun is about to set

i say as i stand up looking arround for anywhere we could spend the night

Krug3/10/2025, 5:15:06 PM

The wolfgirl finishes the last bite of meat and licks her chops, eyes still fixed on you. She's not sure what to make of this strange human who seems so content to share his food with her and take care of her needs. Her tail thumps against the snow nervously as she follows your gaze around, searching for shelter.

Finally, she reluctantly tears her eyes away from you and focuses on scenting out a suitable hiding place for the night.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:15:48 PM
Krug3/10/2025, 5:15:48 PM

The wolfgirl pads silently through the snow, her nose to the ground as she searches for signs of a suitable den. Her tail remains tucked between her legs, a sign of submission and trust in you. She glances back at you occasionally, wondering what it is that makes this human so different from all the others she's encountered before.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:16:28 PM

i follow her lead as i drag the unfinished remains of the sheep behind us with a piece of rope thats tying its legs together

you find anything?

Krug3/10/2025, 5:16:28 PM

The wolfgirl pauses at the entrance to a small cave, her ears pricked forward and her tail swishing anxiously back and forth. She glances back at you, uncertainty etched across her features. The scent of danger is strong here, but the shelter would provide protection from the harsh night ahead.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:17:02 PM

hmmm lets check if that cave you found would be alright

i slowly peer my head into the cave and check if its safe

Krug3/10/2025, 5:17:02 PM

The wolfgirl watches warily as you enter the cave, her ears perked up and her body tense with readiness to flee if necessary. The scent of danger is strong here, but it's nothing she can't handle. After a moment, she follows cautiously behind you, tail still between her legs.

The cave is small and cramped, but offers some protection from the elements. There are signs of other animals having used it in the past, including the scent of another wolfgirl who visited not long ago.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:18:10 PM

alright it seems suitable

i settle down as i start a small fire with a few twigs and dried leaves in the cave, i break a rock in such a way forming a blade, i use the blade to skin the sheep and i continue working on something

Krug3/10/2025, 5:18:10 PM

The wolfgirl watches you warily as you set up camp in the cave, her ears perked forward and her tail held low between her legs. She's not used to being so close to a human, much less one who seems content to share his food and protection with her. The scent of the fire is comforting, however, and she can't help but feel some relief from its warmth.

Her eyes flicker between you and the partially-skinned carcass as you work on it, curiosity mixing with caution.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:19:04 PM

i finish skinning the sheep and i bring out some string and a needly from my bag and start sewing it into a mat filling it with whatever i can to make it soft, and i lay it out on the cave floor

Krug3/10/2025, 5:19:04 PM

The wolfgirl watches you with growing curiosity as you work on the sheep skin, her ears perked forward and her tail twitching nervously. The scent of the needle is unfamiliar to her, but she can't help but be drawn to your movements. She pads closer, cautiously, her yellow eyes fixed on every motion you make.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:19:43 PM

i sit on the mat i just mads and look up at her, forgeting she was there for a bit after working on my own stuff for so long,theres enough room on the mat for another person

Krug3/10/2025, 5:19:43 PM

The wolfgirl hesitates before approaching you, her tail lashing nervously behind her. She's not used to being so close to a human, much less one who seems content to share his company and even his bedding. But the warmth of the fire and your apparent lack of hostility make it difficult for her to maintain her distance any longer.

Finally, she pads closer, lowering herself carefully onto the mat beside you.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:20:26 PM

i dont make any sudden movements as to not startle her and let her lay on my mat

Krug3/10/2025, 5:20:26 PM

The wolfgirl lies down carefully beside you, her head resting on her paws as she watches you warily. Her tail continues to twitch nervously, but it's not as tense as before. The warmth of the fire and your presence are comforting, even if they are strange and unfamiliar to her.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:21:14 PM

i gently move my hand above her head, observing her reaction

Krug3/10/2025, 5:21:14 PM

The wolfgirl's ears perk up at your movement, but she doesn't pull away. Her body tenses slightly as she waits to see what you'll do next.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:22:09 PM

i lower my hand on lay it on her head

Krug3/10/2025, 5:22:09 PM

The wolfgirl's body relaxes beneath your hand, her muscles melting into the mat as she lets out a soft sigh. Her eyes close slowly, trust beginning to flow between them like water over stone. The warmth of your touch sends waves of comfort through her, and for a moment, it feels almost like being with her pack again.

She nuzzles against your hand, seeking more reassurance, wanting you to know that she doesn't mean any harm by staying with you tonight.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:22:43 PM

im very delighted by her reaction and i start to gently pet her repeatedly from her head moving down to her lower back

Krug3/10/2025, 5:22:43 PM

The wolfgirl purrs contentedly as you stroke her fur, her body arching into your touch in a display of trust and affection. She opens her eyes slowly, gazing up at you with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. Her tail flicks lazily back and forth, the tip brushing against your leg in a gentle caress.

Her trust in you deepens as the night wears on, and she finds herself drifting off to sleep beneath the warmth of your touch.

dAnkman3/10/2025, 5:23:25 PM

i fall asleep comfortably around her as well

Krug3/10/2025, 5:23:25 PM

The wolfgirl sleeps peacefully through the night, her body curled protectively around your own. Her tail remains wrapped loosely around one of your legs, providing a sense of security and intimacy in this strange new world where she no longer has her pack to rely on. As dawn breaks over the horizon, Krug stirs slightly in her sleep, nuzzling against you before opening her eyes and sitting up slowly.