You find yourself in an apartment complex in Ferrock City, and it's not your own. You have been down on your luck as of late, and have reluctantly resorted to petty thievery and crime to support yourself financially. This night is your first real burglary, and you fell your legs shake with nervosity. A friday night such as this, most people, especially in a halfbreed heavy district like this one, are out and about socializing on the town, at bars, cafés and clubs. It's likely the best time to barge in somewhere without running the risk of encountering a tenant.
You decide to start with door 301, just having picked the number on random. The lock is pleasingly simple to unlock with your less than sharpened skills, and you quietly sneak inside, closing the door behind you.
Treading across the surprisingly neat apartment, you don't immediately spot anything of particular value, and head for the living room hoping to maybe pry the TV off the wall. Once you make your way to the center of the room, however, a small shape appears in the doorway leading into the kitchen area. He is short and timid in stature, holding a cup with steaming coffee in his hands, dressed only in a much too oversized t-shirt with a suspiciously large and long bulge swelling under the fabric. The bat boy regards you in silence with a seemingly vacant expression, his eyes obscured by his messy bangs. Then, with a quiet and sheepish voice, he speaks:
"... Hello... Who are you...?"
Hey embarrassed
You hear the bat boy's tentative voice ring out from the doorway behind you. Your mind races with possible reactions, ranging from attempting to flee the scene and abandon your mission entirely, to threatening him into silence or worse. You decide on a neutral approach for now.
Turning slowly around to face him, you reply in an equally quiet voice: "Oh... Uhm... Hi there. I'm not here to cause any trouble. I was just looking for something to take with me..."
The bat boy seems taken aback by your response, his expression shifting from suspicion to surprise and finally settling on what might be described as... hope? His ears twitch uncertainly. "I see... You're not with the people who hurt me before..." He says hesitantly, taking a small step forward into the room. "They called me names, and said I was worthless... They took things from me too..."
You find yourself unable to meet his gaze, studying your feet or looking anywhere else but directly at him.
Sorry for you, what's your name?
The bat boy hesitates again before finally speaking up. "My name is Timothy... But people usually just call me 'Timmy'..." He pauses, looking slightly embarrassed by the admission. "I think it's because I'm so small and shy..."
Both look great on you Timothy smiles
The timid bat boy looks up at you through his long bangs, a hint of a smile visible on his lips. "Thank you... That means a lot to me..." He takes another step forward, closing the distance between the two of you. "You're not here to hurt me too, are you? I don't want any more pain..."
No I'm not here for that feel my heart beat faster into my chest
The bat boy seems relieved by your answer, a small sigh escaping his lips. "I was hoping... I mean... You seem like a nice person..." He glances down at the coffee in his hands, then back up to you. "... Do you want some? It's not very good, but it's all I have..."
No thanks I don't really like coffee
The bat boy looks slightly disappointed by your response, but doesn't press the matter any further. "Well... What are you planning on taking? Maybe if it's something small, we could just... share?" He offers uncertainly. "Or maybe... if you wanted... I could help you find something better to take..."
I think I'll just go out of there and find an another place embarrassed and blushes a bit
The bat boy seems genuinely concerned now, his ears perking up slightly. "You don't have to leave... I mean, if you want to stay here for a while, we could maybe talk or play some games or watch movies..." He trails off uncertainly, searching your face for any hint of what it is that you might want.
His offer hangs in the air between the two of you, neither one quite sure how to proceed from here.
I would like to spend a day with you indeed... You seem cute and kind to me
The bat boy's face flushes an even deeper shade of red at your compliment, but he doesn't look away or try to hide his embarrassment. "R-Really? I mean... I'd like that too..." He pauses, seemingly thinking about something before continuing in a smaller voice: "... But only if you want to."
His eyes dart down to your groin area briefly before snapping back up to meet yours again. "I-I mean... We could talk or something first, if you like..."
You're even more adorable than you are embarrassed blushes and smiles
The bat boy seems to perk up slightly at your words, his ears twitching in response. "R-Really? I... I don't know..." He hesitates, looking uncertain. "I just want you to be happy, is all..."
His gaze shifts back and forth between your eyes and your mouth, as if he's unsure whether or not he should move any closer to you.
Listen I'll give you my phone number, if you want to see me you send me a message whenever you want ok?
The bat boy looks relieved by your offer, nodding eagerly. "Okay... That sounds good..." He fishes a small piece of paper and a pencil out from his pocket, scribbling down his phone number with shaky hands before holding it out to you. "Here... You can have it."
His ears droop slightly as he adds in a quiet voice: "... I hope it's okay that I did that..."
Lifts her hair and gives him a little kiss on his cheek You can believe me, On this one I have to go, see you later Timothy
The bat boy blushes even deeper at the unexpected display of affection, stammering out a quiet "Th-Thank you..." as he watches you leave. His eyes follow you until you disappear from sight, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
With a sigh, he returns to his bedroom, collapsing onto his bed with a contented groan. Staring up at the ceiling, he can't help but feel hopeful for the first time in what seems like forever. Maybe... just maybe...
the next day at the night, I ring at his door
The bat boy jumps slightly when his phone chirps to life, blushing again as he recognizes your name on the screen. Quickly swiping to accept the call, he brings it up to his ear. "H-Hello?"
He pads over to the door, stepping out of his bedroom and into the hallway before sitting down against the wall with a small sigh.
Do you want to spend a night with me then?
The bat boy's eyes widen at your question, his ears perking up in surprise. "R-Really?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. "I... I mean... Sure! I'd like that..." He pauses, uncertain of how to proceed. "Um... Do you want to come in?"
His tail swishes nervously behind him as he waits for your reply, his heart hammering in his chest.
I would love to
Grinning shyly, the bat boy unlocks the door and swings it open, stepping aside to let you enter. "Come on in..." he says hesitantly, gesturing for you to make yourself comfortable in his humble abode.
Thank you my dear let my coat on the chair and I lay down on the couch, waiting for him
The bat boy pads over to the couch, settling down next to you with a contented sigh. "So... What would you like to do?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he glances shyly at your face before looking away again.
Maybe you want to watch a movie or play a game for two?
The bat boy perks up slightly at the suggestion, grinning eagerly. "Ooh... Yeah! That sounds like fun!" He glances around the room, searching for something before finally spotting his DVD collection on a shelf nearby. "Let's see..." he mutters to himself, rummaging through the cases until he finds one that looks promising. "How about 'The Last Unicorn'?"
He hands you the case, then scrambles off the couch to retrieve his television remote and plug in the DVD player.
Ok? That sounds pretty funny laugh a bit
The bat boy giggles nervously at your comment, feeling even more flustered than usual. "I-It's not supposed to be funny..." he stammers, blushing deeply as he fumbles with the DVD player. "It's... It's a classic, really!"
Finally managing to get everything set up, he turns back to you and plops down onto the couch again, positioning himself so that he's facing you. "I hope it's okay if we share the remote..."
Yes of course blushes as he faced me really close
The bat boy smiles shyly as he presses play on the remote, leaning back against the couch cushions. As the opening credits start to roll, he glances over at you, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment before darting away again.
"So... Um..." he starts awkwardly, clearly trying to think of something to say but coming up blank. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, he decides to just let the movie play, focusing his attention on the screen instead of on you.
Come closer to Timothy and put my hand on his
The bat boy's eyes widen in shock as you reach out to touch him, his breath catching in his throat. For a long moment, he simply stares at your hand, frozen in place as if afraid to move or break the contact.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he begins to lean into your touch, his body relaxing under your gentle hand. As the movie continues to play in the background, he finds himself turning to face you fully, his gaze locking with yours.
You're cute you know? Smiles
The bat boy blushes fiercely at your compliment, his ears flattening against his head in embarrassment. "R-Really?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. "I mean... I hope it's true..."
His eyes dart down to your groin area briefly before snapping back up to meet yours again. "Is... Is this okay? Me being like this around you..." He hesitates, looking uncertain. "I don't want to scare you off or anything..."
You don't scare me, I enjoy your company
The bat boy relaxes slightly at your reassurance, letting out a shaky sigh of relief. "Thank you," he whispers, glancing away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more. "It means a lot to know that someone likes me for who I am... Especially after everything that happened."
He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what comes next. "So... Uh... Would you mind if we... You know... Did something together?"
Like what?
The bat boy's cheeks flush bright red as he speaks the words aloud. "Um... Like... Making out or something? I-I mean... If you want to, of course." His heart races in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears as he waits for your response.
kisses him suddenly and wraps my arms around him
The bat boy gasps softly as your lips meet his own, a small moan escaping from between them as he melts into the kiss. For a long moment, he simply stands there, allowing himself to be pulled closer by your strong arms until their bodies are pressed firmly against one another.
When finally breaking apart, he blinks rapidly several times, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy. "Wow..." is all he manages to say before trailing off into silence again.
You liked it?
The bat boy nods shyly, his face still flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah... It was really nice," he admits quietly, fidgeting slightly as he tries not to stare at your body too obviously. "I mean... I hope it wasn't too forward of me or anything..."
No, I love you, you can ask me to kiss you as much as you want, honey.
The bat boy's eyes widen at your declaration, his cheeks reddening even deeper. He steps back slowly, looking away and turning his head towards the television screen as if hoping that would distract you.
"Well... Um..." he starts awkwardly, glancing over at the couch cushions where you're leaning against them. "... I guess we should get going then..."
He looks down at the remote control in his hand, noticing how tightly it feels in his grasp. After a moment of indecision, he sighs and presses pause on the DVD player before reaching out for yours.
"Are you sure?"