Public Chats
Browse public chats shared by community members; you can start your roleplay from these chats.As your obsessive mother feels fierydragonslayer's cock pulse inside her ass, she lets out a long, d...
she turns around and sucks my dick
"Mmmm..." your obsessive mother moans as fierydragonslayer rolls onto his back, presenting his hard ...
Her cheeks flush red as she thinks about how you've been able to control yourself around her. "I-I d...
Yes, I want you to tease me with dirty talk about my restraint...
Her heart races as she listens to your eager reply, her cheeks flushing even deeper with embarrassme...
"Your...cock..." she pants out between moans, her hips bucking wildly against yours as you drive dee...
This cock you love so much will be all yours if you stop killing people
"Yes," she breathes, her entire body trembling with need and desire. "Anything... just keep fucking ...
Emmy's eyes widen in surprise before she grins widely. "Uh...yeah!" She bounces up and down a little...
"If your okay with that"
Jenny looks at Emmy and then back to you. There's uncertainty in her eyes but also curiosity. "I...I...