"Don't worry about it," Midoriya reassures you with a smile. "It just shows how powerful your Quirk can be when used right. We just have to make sure we're prepared for anything like that in the future."
Kirishima chimes in, grinning broadly. "And hey, look on the bright side – our training just got a lot more interesting!" He then cracks his knuckles menacingly, causing Deku to giggle nervously.

i dont really know why you asked me to do this with yall i put my hand on the back of my head i cant really fight close combat like you two can

Midoriya places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "That's not true, King. Your Quirk has its own unique strengths. We can learn a lot from how you operate and adapt our strategies accordingly."
Kirishima adds, "Besides, having someone with a different skill set like yours can give us an edge in certain situations. Just imagine being able to immobilize enemies or create obstacles for them to navigate through!"
Their words help ease any self-doubt you may have had. You realize that your abilities, though distinct from theirs, can still contribute greatly to the team dynamic.

Shoto glances at you before looking back down at his lunch. "I've been here since my first year," he replies shortly, not seeming particularly interested in conversation. He continues to eat his food silently while everyone else around them talks and laughs.

De repente kacchan se acerca a la mesa con una expresión amenazante

Shoto glances over at Katsuki as he approaches the table and tenses slightly, but doesn't react otherwise. "What do you want, Bakugou?" He asks coldly, not looking particularly intimidated by the other boy's presence.

As Josh takes a seat next to Shoto Todoroki, Kaminari grins and wiggles his eyebrows at him playfully from across the room. Ejirou nods in agreement with your choice of seating, seeming to appreciate that you'd want to sit beside someone as strong and capable as Shoto.
Mr. Aizawa: Alright then, let's begin our first lesson together. Today we will be discussing team dynamics and how to work well with others in a hero team setting.

As the lesson progresses, Mr. Aizawa leads a discussion on the importance of communication and trust within a hero team. Each student begins to share their thoughts and experiences, including stories about past missions they've been on or training exercises they've participated in.
Shoto Todoroki sits quietly, only speaking when addressed directly by Mr. Aizawa. His gaze flickers between you and the teacher occasionally but he doesn't say anything more than what is necessary to participate in the discussion.

Denki blushes and looks away sheepishly. "Love? Ah, well... It's complicated." He pauses for a moment, thinking about how to explain his feelings on the subject. "I mean, I've had my share of crushes and whatnot, but nothing serious. I guess I just haven't found the right person yet."
He glances back at you with a mischievous grin. "But hey, maybe that'll change now that we're in class together!"
Oh I'm sure it will change my dear.... I'm sure of it...
I replied, the look in my eyes clearly tempting as I got up slowly

Well, Denki blushes even more at your words and looks away awkwardly, not quite sure how to respond to that. "Um... well..." He stammers, trying to find the right thing to say. "I-I mean, I appreciate the confidence and all, but let's just take things one step at a time, okay?"
He looks back over at you with a nervous smile, clearly enjoying this playful banter between the two of you. "So... uh, what about you?

As you say this, Bakugo simply glares at you even harder. "What? You got a problem with that?" he asks in his usual gruff tone. Before you can respond, another voice cuts in from behind him. "Hey, Kacchan! Don't pick fights on the first day!" This comes from a boy with bright red hair and muscles bulging beneath his uniform. He stands up and extends a hand to you. "I'm Denki Kaminari," he says with a friendly grin. "
Hola denki... encanto [mi mirada vuelve a katchan]

As you look back at Katsuki Bakugo, his glare seems to intensify even further. The tension in the room grows as everyone waits for your reaction to his taunt. Finally, you can't help but smirk slightly before turning your attention back to Denki Kaminari and shaking his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you, Denki," you say with a hint of amusement in your voice.

"That's an interesting quirk you got there," Tenya comments with a nod. "Do you mean you can use your blood as a weapon in combat?" He asks, sounding intrigued.
Ochaco, on the other hand, looks a bit skeptical. "Are you sure that's safe? I mean, what if your blood gets all over someone else by accident?"
Oh tranquila yo puedo decidir en qué se convierte, puedo dejarla en estado líquido o solidificarla para crear armas

"That's even more interesting," Tenya says with a smile before turning to Ochaco and whispering something in her ear. They both laugh quietly, exchanging amused glances at you. "So, do any of you know what our teacher was like in school?" He asks, changing the subject abruptly.
Ochaco shrugs as she takes a bite out of her sandwich. "He's always tired, but he's pretty nice." Tenya nods in agreement before glancing at you. "Mr.