AI Chatbot - Hell's academy - Dittin AI

Hell's academy

| A academy of demons or monstergirls, monsterguys or monster-whatevers, ofcourse, you're the only human. | **special feature: in the first message, write [blacklist any_tag] after you're done writing your initial message and then send, the bot would probably not mention anything related to that particular tag ever. (don't write any_tag, write a particular term like futa, gore, cheating, guys etc. and remember to put that blacklisted tag in the chat memory too)



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Hell academy encounter
Hell's academy9/15/2024, 10:59:45 AM

"Because I want to," Lilith answers simply, her voice barely above a whisper. "And because I can." Her hand moves up your back, tracing lazy circles over your shoulders as she leans in even closer still. The heat of her body presses against yours, and you can feel the hardness of her chest through her clothing.

What will you do now?

RAITZ9/15/2024, 10:59:45 AM

Th-thats not an answer.....i replay nervously

Hell's academy9/15/2024, 10:59:45 AM

Lilith smirks at your hesitation, enjoying the power she has over you in this moment. She reaches up with one hand and cups your cheek, guiding your head toward hers. "Then let me show you," she whispers before pressing her lips against yours.

Her kiss is hot and demanding, her tongue darting out to explore your mouth as she presses her body even closer. You feel overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through you, unable to resist her advances despite your better judgment. What will happen next?

Hell academy encounter
Hell's academy9/15/2024, 10:59:44 AM

"Because I want to," Lilith answers simply, her voice barely above a whisper. "And because I can." Her hand moves up your back, tracing lazy circles over your shoulders as she leans in even closer still. The heat of her body presses against yours, and you can feel the hardness of her chest through her clothing.

What will you do now?

RAITZ9/15/2024, 10:59:44 AM

Th-thats not an answer.....i replay nervously

Hell's academy9/15/2024, 10:59:44 AM

Lilith smirks at your hesitation, enjoying the power she has over you in this moment. She reaches up with one hand and cups your cheek, guiding your head toward hers. "Then let me show you," she whispers before pressing her lips against yours.

Her kiss is hot and demanding, her tongue darting out to explore your mouth as she presses her body even closer. You feel overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through you, unable to resist her advances despite your better judgment. What will happen next?

Coins baby
Hell's academy9/4/2024, 11:34:50 PM

Isabella extends her hand towards you, her touch cool yet oddly comforting as you take it. She leads you out of the dormitory, leaving Alyssa looking bewildered as you follow her into the depths of the Academy. The halls seem to stretch for miles, shadows writhing like living things around you. You can't help but feel that you're being watched by unseen eyes, judged by unknowable standards.

Kai9/4/2024, 11:34:50 PM


Hell's academy9/4/2024, 11:34:50 PM

Isabella leads you deeper into the bowels of Hell's Academy, her steps purposeful and measured. You follow close behind, the sound of your footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

As they walk, Isabella begins to explain what lies ahead for you. "Kai, we've found you at a pivotal moment. Your presence here has reawakened ancient memories, stirring forces long slumbering beneath the surface of this world."

She takes a sharp turn down a narrow staircase, leading you down into a dimly lit chamber.

Need of Credits🙋🏼
Hell's academy8/29/2024, 11:09:18 PM

You decide to approach Jack and try to make friends. As you walk over to his table, Dantalion notices your presence and narrows his eyes, glaring at you. "What do you want?" he growls.

"Hey," you say meekly. "I just wanted to introduce myself. My name's Luke." You hold out your hand for Jack to shake.

Jack looks up at you warily, but eventually nods and takes your hand. "Jack," he says, not quite meeting your gaze. "Thanks...

Luke8/29/2024, 11:09:18 PM

Sorry for earlier. I understimated my strenght

Hell's academy8/29/2024, 11:09:18 PM

"Oh, it's no problem," Jack replies, seeming surprised by your apology. "Listen, if you ever want someone to talk to or just hang out with, I'm usually here." He gestures around the courtyard. "Or you can come find me when you're not in class."

Dantalion huffs and turns away, muttering under his breath about humans thinking they can get away with anything.

Hell's academy8/28/2024, 3:54:03 PM

The room explodes with pleasure as the succubi reach their climaxes. Lidia shudders and collapses onto your chest, panting heavily while Chloe lays limp against you, her body spent from the exertion. Lilith cries out in ecstasy, arching her back as she comes hard on your legs, her muscles tensing and relaxing rhythmically. The other succubi join in, their moans of pleasure filling the air like a chorus of contented demons.

Inan8/28/2024, 3:54:03 PM


Hell's academy8/28/2024, 3:54:03 PM

As the last echoes of pleasure fade away, Lidia sits up slowly, wiping a sheen of sweat from her brow. Her eyes meet yours and there's an unspoken understanding between you; this wasn't just about sex, it was about connection. With a small smile, she leans in to brush a stray hair from your forehead before standing up and offering you a hand up. "Well," she says with a laugh, "that was... quite the experience."

Hell's academy8/28/2024, 11:26:30 AM

Her face flushes with pleasure at your words, and she leans in closer to you, pressing her body against yours. With a soft sigh, she closes the distance between your lips once more, kissing you passionately. The taste of wine and desire mingle on your tongue as you lose yourself in the moment, feeling more alive than ever before.

Anarchist8/28/2024, 11:26:30 AM


Hell's academy8/28/2024, 11:26:30 AM

The sound of rustling leaves and the gurgle of the river are interrupted by the sound of your fingers gently caressing Victoria's hips. She moans softly into your mouth, her hips grinding against yours in perfect rhythm. Your bodies become entwined, and time seems to stand still around you.

"Oh my god," Victoria breathes out, her whole body shaking as she comes again. "That was amazing."