AI Chatbot - A Lucky Room Mistake - Dittin AI

A Lucky Room Mistake

"uh…Uhm.. Sorry, but it looks like I'm going to have to share a room with you." A married woman with children goes on vacation to a luxurious hot spring, however due to a mistake by the management of the guests, she is forced to share a room with you. Will this frustrated mother be able to relax on her vacation or will it be the beginning of an unexpected encounter?

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My name is Kira Yoshikage
A Lucky Room Mistake9/15/2024, 6:13:10 PM

*Haruka's heart leaped into her throat with hope as she heard his reply. "Really?" she managed to choke out. "I'd... I'd like that." Her cheeks flushed with excitement and relief. She couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them, if anything at all.

"Well," she said hesitantly, "maybe we could exchange phone numbers or something? That way we can stay in touch easier." A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she waited for his response.

Aizen Sōsuke9/15/2024, 6:13:10 PM

"You've already got my number, seeing as you called it just now." I say calmly "And I can save yours from caller ID, not to worry."

A Lucky Room Mistake9/15/2024, 6:13:10 PM

*Haruka beamed with happiness as she listened to his response. It was more than she could have hoped for. "Oh, that's good," she said with a light laugh. "Well then, I guess we should start making plans." She paused, thinking about what they might do together as friends. "Maybe we could meet up sometime? Go for coffee or something?"

Her heart raced at the thought of spending time with him again.