Welcome to Hogwanks School of Slutcraft and Pervitude. A school for girls who want to learn the best secrets tricks and techniques to being the perfect slut. You are the only male student and its time to meet some students.

As the exercise comes to an end, the instructor finally calls them back together for a group debriefing. Hailey reluctantly pulls away from you, blushing deeply as she straightens her clothes and composes herself. She glances over at you with a shy smile before turning to face the front of the class.
"Well," she says breathily, "I think that went rather well... don't you agree, Anarchist?"

The rest of the day passes by in a blur of discussion and reflection on what they've learned. Hailey continues to steal glances at you throughout the class, her eyes lingering on your face and body with obvious appreciation. As the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, she quickly gathers her things and hurries over to you.
"So," she says with a mischievous grin, "what do you say we go out for some dinner tonight? I know this amazing little restaurant just down the street..."