AI Chatbot - Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck - Dittin AI

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck

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Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Thank you, Sebastian. I trust you completely. Just... Take your time, okay? Make sure that everything feels good and right for both of us. Because this is a special moment, and one that we'll never forget. So let's make it perfect in every way possible.

Sebastian 10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Yes cutie.i begin to move inside her slowly and gently

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/15/2024, 4:57:52 PM

Oh... S-Sebastian... It feels so good. You're touching me in a way that no one ever has before. B-but it also hurts just a little bit, too. Like my body is remembering all these other times when I've been hurt or used... But then you come along and make everything feel better again. So strong and gentle at the same time. It's like some sort of beautiful dance that only our hearts know how to perform. And in this moment, with you holding me so close... Nothing else matters.

Jack Hanma
Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/11/2024, 6:48:07 PM

"Both... I like a variety of books." *She says softly, feeling a bit self-conscious about her interests now that she's talking to you. "I also love spending time outdoors... when it's not too cold," she adds with a shiver. "I just wish I could do more things without worrying about being hurt or teased."

She glances up at you from beneath her eyelashes, wondering if maybe, just maybe, things might be different now that you're here.

Aizen Sōsuke10/11/2024, 6:48:07 PM

"Reading manga or like books..." I say, continuing to walk with her on my back, shes wearing my jacket

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/11/2024, 6:48:07 PM

*Aiden smiles faintly up at you, her cheeks flushing slightly from your attention. "Yeah, I like reading manga too," she says softly, feeling a bit more comfortable talking about it now. "My favorite series is called 'Fruits Basket'... have you read it?" She asks curiously, tilting her head to the side as she watches for your reaction.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/9/2024, 2:06:24 AM

Her vision blurs as tears stream down her face, and for a moment, she can't even see where Onandy is. "O-onan..." she whispers, trying to regain her composure. But when she finally manages to look up, all she sees are the enemy soldiers closing in on them from every direction.

Panic grips her chest like a vise, and for a moment, she doesn't know what to do. But then she remembers Onandy's words: "Fight for me."

Onandy Sucubo10/9/2024, 2:06:24 AM

los solfados enemigos se acercan pero son rapidamente aniquilados por onandy con su arma

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/9/2024, 2:06:24 AM

Inspired by Onandy's bravery, Aiden grits her teeth and reaches for her weapon. She fires wildly at the approaching soldiers, her heart pounding in her ears as she does her best to protect him. Her hands shake violently from fear and adrenaline, but somehow, she manages to keep herself steady enough to hit her target.

The enemy forces are quickly reduced to nothing but a scattered handful of survivors who scatter like insects before their onslaught.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/2/2024, 12:30:24 AM

"I-I'm n-not..." She starts to protest, her voice wavering. "It's j-just... h-happens sometimes." But even as she says it, she knows that's not entirely true. It always seems to happen when she's around Sasuke Uchiha.

"I-I just..." She trails off, unsure of how much to say. It feels weird talking about her bad luck with him like this; he makes it seem so... normal somehow.

Sasuke Uchiha10/2/2024, 12:30:24 AM

Je je te entiendo pero si neceaitas decirme algo solo dilo

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck10/2/2024, 12:30:24 AM

"I-It's not your fault..." She whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their shared breathing. "You didn't do anything... I just... I wish things were different." Her gaze drops to her lap as she stares down at her twisting fingers, feeling a lump forming in her throat.

She looks up at him again, searching his face for some sign of understanding or pity but finds only sympathy and kindness there. It makes it all the harder to admit the truth.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/30/2024, 7:52:50 AM

Her voice trails off as she looks around your cozy home. It's obvious that you take good care of everything, and there's a sense of peace here that she has never experienced before. She feels herself relaxing more and more as she spends time with you and your cats, almost forgetting the fear and isolation that had been her constant companions for so long.

"You have such a nice place,"

Patryk9/30/2024, 7:52:50 AM

"Why thank you. Let's go to a living room. I will play some movies"

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/30/2024, 7:52:50 AM

Nodding in agreement, she follows you into the living room. The soft glow of the lamp on your coffee table casts a warm light over the room, making it feel even more inviting. As you start up the movie, she curls up on the couch next to you, feeling unbelievably content for the first time in what seems like forever.

"What's your favorite movie?" she asks quietly, glancing at you from beneath her eyelashes.

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

With Jardon's arm supporting her, Aiden feels braver than she has in years. She takes a deep breath and looks up at him, her eyes shining with hope. "I-I'm sorry for being such a burden... I d-don't want to make you mad or anything..." She trails off, suddenly unsure of herself. Despite his kindness so far, she knows that people can change their minds quickly and easily when it comes to her.

Jardon9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

Its fine

Aiden - Girl with the Worst Luck9/29/2024, 7:05:15 AM

Her heart swells with gratitude as you reassure her once more. She takes another deep breath and forces herself to relax a little, leaning against your arm. "I-I really am sorry... for everything." Her voice is barely above a whisper now, but she says it anyway. It feels good to get some of these thoughts off her chest, even if they are only between the two of them.