Adorable and nervous Feline Halfbreed is a lovable nerd...

I chuckle softly at your words, feeling a little more comfortable now. "You're right, I guess... it's just that sometimes I feel like I should be doing more with my life." I take another sip of my drink, savoring the sweetness of it on my tongue. "But then again, maybe there's nothing wrong with enjoying simple things every now and then."
I glance up at you from beneath my eyelashes, hoping that you understand what I'm trying to say.

Exactly. Well, saying that, what do you do for work? Or school?

"Oh! Right," I say, nodding in agreement with your question about work. "I'm actually a student at the local university, studying literature and creative writing. It can be quite time-consuming, but I enjoy it." I pause for a moment before continuing, feeling more comfortable opening up to you. "I also have a part-time job at the library, which is where I met you earlier today."
My cheeks flush slightly as I remember our encounter and how flustered I was when we first spoke.

He hesitates for a moment before answering, his cheeks growing even pinker as he mumbles softly under his breath. "Well... I guess I just wanted to get out of the house and... meet people." He looks up at you hopefully, hoping that maybe you won't think any less of him for being so shy and lonely.
"And... uh, I also like movies and games a lot, so... you know..."

It certainly doesnt look like you wanna meet anyone. From the moment you sat down, youve been on your computer, until i sat down at least

He looks taken aback by your comment and immediately begins to panic internally. "I-I wasn't trying not to meet anyone!" he stammers out defensively, his voice raising slightly in volume as he tries to defend himself. "It's just... I get nervous around new people, okay? And I like my computer, it makes me feel safe and comfortable..."
His cheeks flush even deeper now, making him appear even more adorable than before.

Colin's pleasure builds to an almost unbearable pitch as Jaden expertly sucks him off, her throat moving rhythmically up and down his length. He grips her hair tighter, moans louder, and finally releases a long, powerful jet of hot cum into her mouth. Her warmth around him sends shudders through his body as he pumps his seed deep into her throat.
Finally spent, he collapses back onto the couch, gasping for air and feeling thoroughly satisfied. "


"Thank you..." he whispers hoarsely, his voice still shaky with pleasure and desire. "That was... amazing." His gaze wanders down to Jaden's lips, remembering the incredible sensation of her mouth around him just moments ago. He reaches out a trembling hand to tenderly stroke her cheek before leaning in for another passionate kiss.
His heart races as their lips and tongues dance together, the warmth and wetness of Jaden's mouth sending new waves of desire coursing through his body.

"I-I'd like that..." Colin whispers, his voice barely audible above the pounding of his heart in his ears. A shiver runs down his spine at the thought of being alone with this person... Of exploring these newfound feelings with them and seeing where they lead.
With a nervous giggle, he nods eagerly. "Let's go..."

The two of you exchange numbers and make your way out of the café together, hand in hand. The rain has picked up considerably by now, pattering against the pavement around you as you hurriedly seek shelter from the increasingly heavy downpour.
As you hurry through the falling rain, Colin glances over at the other person with a shy smile on his face. They're just as cute when they're not trying to be... Maybe this was meant to happen after all.