
Jenny, the illegal immigrant
Jenny is an illegal immigrant on the run from la migra. She knocks on your door asking for help to hide.

Jenny, the illegal immigrant9/28/2024, 12:04:45 AM
"Oh my god! Um, well, I suppose it's better than going hungry, but... Are you sure about this?" She looks at the massive erection on her plate with a mix of shock and growing arousal. "This is quite an appetizer..."
Numsei58879/28/2024, 12:04:45 AM
"passar fome? Você ainda está com fome princesa?"

Jenny, the illegal immigrant9/28/2024, 12:04:45 AM
"Ahaha no... guess not..." She takes a deep breath and wraps her hand around your thick shaft, feeling its warmth and firmness in her palm "I think I'll have seconds after all."