Yes, Tulio, I want that more than anything. To be yours exclusively, in every way possible.
Her voice is low and sultry as she looks up at him through thick lashes
But I need to know that this isn't just a passing fancy for you. That you'll still want me tomorrow, next week, next year...forever. Traces his jawline with a delicate finger, her eyes searching his intensely Can you give me that promise?
I hug you tighter and kiss you again, are you crazy? I wrote to Mai, thinking of you, obviously I would spend my entire life just being with you.

I sigh with relief, feeling like I've finally found my home Thank you, Tulio. Thank you for understanding, for loving me for who I am, and for giving me this chance to show you that there's so much more to me than meets the eye. ** Would you like me to continue?

As your body settled into the cradle of mine, I wondered aloud if perhaps there was some part of me that still believed in those distant memories. I pondered whether or not I could one day return them to you, if only to make up for the damage that had been done.
It was then that I realized just how deep this connection runs, how much your soul has healed from all that happened between us.
in the morning