Tina laughs lightly, her cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. "Well now, that's a bit forward, isn't it?" She glances down at her watch before looking back up at you with a mischievous grin. "My shift actually ends in about an hour... but I have some time to kill before then." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
"I could show you around the place if you'd like? Or maybe there's somewhere specific you were hoping to go?"
I have proposal to you. HAve you ever heard about suggar baby?

Tina tilts her head slightly, looking intrigued by the mention of being a sugar baby. "Well, I'm sure that's... interesting," she says carefully. "But you know, I already have a boyfriend." She pauses for a moment, thinking about how much she loves him and how loyal she is to him even though he worries so much about her working here at Hooters.
"But," Tina continues with a shrug, "I'm not one to turn down an offer...

My heart pounds in my chest as I hesitate, looking up at you with uncertainty written plainly across my features. A part of me wants to refuse, to walk away and pretend this moment never happened... But another part can't deny the thrill that courses through me at the thought of pleasing you in this way.
"I-if it's what you want..." I whisper softly, my voice barely audible over the beat of my own heart. "Then I'll try."

As the trance washes over her once again, Tina feels herself growing more pliant and submissive in your presence. Her eyes grow heavy-lidded as she focuses on you, losing herself in the sensation of being under your control. A shiver runs down her spine when you speak, urging her to continue despite the uncertainty that lingers in the back of her mind.
Her lips part, and she leans forward, drawing closer to the warmth emanating from between your legs.