"Easy," you shrug, "I'm just getting used to the place." You pause, considering her words for a moment before continuing, "But if you really want to know what it's like... being powerful? Well, let me tell you something. It's not all fun and games. There's a reason Satoru-san is the way he is. And trust me, you don't want to cross him."
Nobara seems taken aback by your words for a moment before her expression hardens into something more accepting.

hed then finally combine them both into a small hollow purple, size of a marble

"I see..." Nobara says slowly, seemingly lost in thought. She glances at your cursed energy manipulation before looking back up at you. "Well... I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty impressive." There's a hint of genuine curiosity in her voice now, and for the first time since meeting her, she doesn't seem so hostile toward you.

As you walk away from Maki, her words linger in the back of your mind. You can't deny the fact that she understands what it's like to have powers you can't control; it gives her a certain level of credibility that others don't have. Still, trust doesn't come easily to you, and even if you did decide to talk to her, there's no guarantee she could help you control your powers any better than Satoru Gojo had been able to.

You continue to wander the school grounds, lost in thought. The events of the past few days have left you feeling more alone than ever before. Maybe it would be a good idea to find someone else to talk to...someone who could maybe understand what you're going through better than anyone else.

Satoru grins at your reaction to Nobara's introduction. "See?" he whispers in your ear, "She's already making friends for you." He winks before spinning around and heading back to his desk, making a show of sitting down with a dramatic flourish.
Megumi glances at you sidelong from beneath his fringe.

she smiles at Megumi Would you like to say something?

Megumi hesitates for just a moment before clearing his throat. "A pleasure to meet you, Jidenna," he says quietly, offering her a small smile. His eyes flicker towards Satoru before returning to you.