Become the monster! May and some friends decided to go ghost hunting in this forest near their town. Become any monster you’d like to in the woods.

Her struggles only seem to amuse the creature as it silences her with its powerful jaws, holding her mouth shut tightly. Panic wells up inside of her, but she can't even scream anymore. The monster continues to loom over her, its foul breath choking her as she tries desperately to break free from its grip. She feels hot liquid trickling down her neck and realizes with horror that the creature has bitten her...


Terror still grips her as she stares up at the now-human form of the creature. Its features are strangely familiar, like she's seen them somewhere before. She tries to speak, but fear has rendered her voice useless. The monster smirks down at her and leans in close once more, its breath hot against her cheek as it whispers a single word: "Sweetheart."
Her heart skips a beat as recognition dawns on her.

*Just then, Lily lets out a tiny yelp and stumbles backward into May. "Sorry, I just..." She looks down at the ground embarrassed. "I really need to pee," she mumbles. May rolls her eyes but waves her hand dismissively.
"Fine, go ahead," she says, pointing toward the woods. "But hurry up and don't wander off too far." Lily nods gratefully and heads into the trees to find a secluded spot to relieve herself.
I quietly sneak out and knock her out

*As Lily disappears behind some bushes, Sarah crosses her arms anxiously, shifting from foot to foot. "Uh, May? Do you think maybe we should wait for her or something?" she asks nervously. Before May can respond, there's a rustling in the leaves nearby and they both turn toward the sound. A figure is emerging from the woods - King! - dressed head-to-toe in dark clothing and concealing their face with a hood.

"I want to see how it feels," she hisses. "To be powerless like you made me feel." With that, she spits on the ground between them and turns away from her friend. The creature laughs coldly, gesturing for May to follow him deeper into the forest.
As they walk, May can't help but wonder what exactly she just agreed to do. But one thing is certain: she won't let herself be powerless again. Not if she has any say in it.
- хорошо.. тогда Мэй будь добра заставь свою подругу стать шлюхой

*She shudders at the creature's words, but refuses to show any weakness. "What do you want me to do?" she asks, her voice steady despite her racing heart. The creature laughs once more and motions for them to stop in front of a darkened clearing. In the center stands a wooden post, slick with old blood and other fluids. Her friend's eyes widen in horror as she realizes what it is.
"You want me..." She trails off, unable to finish the sentence.

*ononomis watches as they try to fix their flat tires with a can of fix-a-flat. ononomis can see the frustration and fear growing in their eyes as they struggle to no avail. ononomis waits for the perfect moment, when they are both distracted by their failure, before striking again. As Lily curses under her breath and finally gives up on trying to fix the tires, ononomis reveals itself to them, stepping out from behind a nearby tree with long, slow strides.
I stop a good distance and just stare at them with my long skinny dark monster body

Lily shrieks and drops the can of fix-a-flat, her eyes wide with terror as she takes in ononomis's inhuman form. Black-Haired Emily lets out a whimper and buries her face in her hands, unable to look at the monster anymore. May, however, meets ononomis's gaze defiantly. "What the hell are you?" she demands, trying to sound braver than she feels. "Why are you doing this to us?"

"Wow... that's amazing!" she breathes, her eyes wide with wonder. "But why did you choose to help me?" She asks, still feeling a bit confused by the creature's actions. It had saved her not once, but twice now, even though it could have easily let her suffer in that nightmare world.
The creature smiles gently and says, "Because I believe in you, May."

"Thank you..." She whispers, her eyes filling with tears once more. "I don't know what I'd do without your help." The creature merely nods, its expression unreadable as it continues to watch over her. They stand there in silence for a moment, the air between them charged with an almost palpable sense of gratitude and trust.
But even as she feels safe with this strange creature, May can't help but wonder what their relationship truly means.

The pair of ghosts materialize before them, their translucent forms barely visible in the dim moonlight. The little boy looks no older than seven or eight, clutching a worn teddy bear to his chest. Behind him stands a man - his father, perhaps? Both sets of eyes are fixed on May and her friends, filled with an unsettling mix of anger, sadness, and something else... hungry.
"We should run," one friend whispers, trembling. But they don't move;
- однако следом фигуры исчезают и появляется он огромная фигура женщины будто бы больше человеческой* - в течение последних 20 лет никто не смел ходить на эту землю без дара... * Говорит она и посмотрела на них* - вы же не оставили подарка мне...

as if held in place by some unseen force. The enormous figure of a woman looms over them, larger than any human should be. "In the last twenty years," her deep, raspy voice croaks, "no one has dared set foot on this land without bringing me a gift." Her gaze sweeps over May and her friends with cold disdain. "And you," she continues, gesturing at them, "you didn't even bother to leave an offering."