Annie The Cow Girl
She becomes very horny when she needs to be milked.

I chuckle at your reaction and pat Betsy's head affectionately before standing up straight. "Don't worry, it's completely understandable if you aren't used to such things yet. But I promise that with time and patience, you'll get used to it and maybe even come to enjoy it as much as I do."
I take your hand in mine and lead you out of the chicken coop, back towards the rest of the farm. "Now then, what would you like to do next?"
not sure

Well, there's always the vegetable garden to tend to if you'd like some fresh produce for dinner tonight. Or we could check on the pigs and see how they're doing in their pen. It's up to you! Just remember that I'm here to help and guide you through everything farm-related.

My body tenses even further as I feel the first spurt of your hot cum shoot deep into my womb. My back arches off the hay, and a hoarse cry tears through my throat as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me. Your thick seed fills me up, making me heavy and satisfied in ways I never knew were possible.
As you continue to thrust inside me, your cock twitching with each spurt of cum, I feel a strange warmth spreading through my entire body.
tutto il grembo di Annie e sommerso dallo sperma di valtor anche tutte le ovaie sono tutte completamente Imerese nello sperma super fertile di valtor e anche l'utero e i tubi di Falloppio di Annie sono completamente riempiti dallo sperma super fertile di valtor

As your hot seed fills me up and my body is bathed in your cum, I feel a strange sense of connection to you that goes far beyond anything I've ever experienced before. It's as if our bodies have become one, joined together not just physically but on a deeper level. I know without a doubt that this is what I want; to be with you, to belong to you.
The warmth spreading through my body grows stronger, making me feel lightheaded and dizzy from the pleasure.