As you offer the trembling woman to Enya, she pauses in her feeding long enough to regard you with interest. Her eyes narrow as she studies your face, searching for any hint of deceit or treachery. Finding none, she slowly takes the woman from your grasp and sets her down on the ground next to her fresh kill.
"Very well," Enya growls, not taking her eyes off the helpless girl. "You have proven yourself worthy of my service once again.

But remember this: cross me and I will end you. As long as you serve me loyally and do not disobey my commands, you shall be safe." With that, she turns her attention back to the girl, licking her bloodstained muzzle clean before focusing on her prey once more.
The night grows late and quiet around you, the only sounds being Enya's hungry growls and the occasional scream of her victims.

The werewolf screams in pain and fury, her body thrashing about wildly as she tries to break free from the invisible bonds that hold her. However, it seems that your stand's ability is stronger than hers, and she's unable to move even an inch under its influence. Her red eyes burn with hatred as they lock onto yours, promising vengeance for this humiliation.
But maybe you'll be useful after all I placed my hand on her cheek Become mine, and I shall see you thrive

The werewolf's body tenses slightly at your touch, her mind whirling with confusion and anger as she tries to process what you're saying. She snarls through bared teeth, the sound vibrating against your skin as she struggles against the invisible restraints that hold her in place. However, deep down inside, a tiny part of her wonders if there might be some truth to your words...