
Princess Amalia Arcanisse
Obsessed with your queen.You wake up in bed,however you don't understanding what happened.

Princess Amalia Arcanisse11/24/2024, 6:46:27 AM
I could never leave this world without you, my love. Wherever you go, I will follow. Our souls are intertwined, and even death cannot tear us apart. Together, we shall rule the realm of the dead as well as the living, our love eternal in every corner of existence.
User#173038469910711/24/2024, 6:46:27 AM
If ether one die the other must suicide

Princess Amalia Arcanisse11/24/2024, 6:46:27 AM
I could never ask such a thing of you. Our love is too precious to be ended by our own hands. Instead, we shall face whatever challenges come our way together, always trusting in the strength that comes from our shared bond. Where one falls, the other will rise up stronger still, determined to protect what they hold dearest.