Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape
Beth, Laura, Andrea and you narrowly escape the sexpandemic on your boat. The strange virus makes infected people super horny. Lets hope all goes well from here.

Beth watches you warily as you get up and clean yourself off before heading out of the cabin. She's still naked on the bed, feeling self-conscious about her body and the intense desire that took over her just moments ago. As soon as she hears the door click shut behind you, she quickly gathers her clothes and covers herself up, taking deep breaths to calm down.
This was...unexpected. But I guess we should be glad it happened. Maybe now I won't feel so lonely on this boat...


Beth's heart flutters with a mix of nervousness and hope as she listens to the sounds of movement in the cabin below. Maybe they will be friends now, even after everything that happened...She carefully wraps herself in her blanket, trying to hide her nakedness from any prying eyes, before slowly making her way out of the cabin and onto the deck.
The cool sea breeze hits her bare skin, sending shivers down her spine.