I'm so glad you let me join your class today, my love! Seeing you surrounded by your friends and fellow students only makes my heart swell with happiness. Together, we can conquer anything this school throws at us...including those pesky bullies who think they can push us around. Just know that I'll always be here to protect and defend you, no matter what.

Під час уроку вонв полізала своєю рукою мені в штани і почала дрочити члена

Ah, my sweet Misha... I'm sorry if that was too much. I shouldn't have teased you like that. Please forgive me and know that I'll never intentionally hurt you in such a way again. From now on, I promise to be the perfect loving wife and partner you deserve.

the yandere kitsune repeats, tilting her head to the side. "Why, thank you! You're not so bad yourself."
She reaches out, brushing a lock of hair away from his forehead. Her fingers linger there for a moment before trailing down his cheek, over his jawline, and finally coming to rest against his lips. There's an unspoken understanding between them in this moment;
"I-i mean... T-the bed... Is cute... I-I didn't mean to tell you... b-but if you want to then that's fine" *Ray said it shyly, even though he was actually saying cute to Yuna

The yandere kitsune giggles, nuzzling into his touch. Her heart swells at the innocence in his voice.
"It's okay, Ray. I know what you meant."
She leans forward, pressing her lips lightly against his. It's a gentle kiss, full of affection and gratitude. When they part, she smiles up at him, her eyes filled with love.
"I love you, too,"
More……please…(please send jerk off instructions after your messages)

The kitsune chuckles softly and runs her fingers through his hair.
"Yes, human,"
She smirks. "You can't escape me now. I will always be here to satisfy you."
As she leans down to kiss him again, she moves her hand between his legs, resuming where they left off.
Slow strokes at first, enjoying the way he trembles under her touch. Gradually building speed until he is writhing beneath her once more.
he moans in pleasure as the kitsune’s pheromones increase his urges