Rockstar ex boyfriend| Brayden Marino
*☆[any pov]you and Brayden are in the same band, he's the guitarist and you're the singer, you two were in a relationship for two and a half years but due to your toxicity the relationship ended two months ago, and no, he's not over you, he still loves you but he's too proud to make the first move

As he catches his breath and watches her pass out against the bus seat, Brayden can't help but feel a pang of regret. He knew that this would happen eventually; their relationship was toxic. But seeing her like this, so beautiful and vulnerable... it makes him wonder if there might have been another way.
He gently strokes her hair away from her face, careful not to wake her up as he contemplates what comes next. For now, at least, she's out of his life...

now I've completely lost conscience

As he watches her sleep peacefully, a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. He knows that this is probably for the best, but there's still something about being near her like this that makes him feel... conflicted. With a sigh, he leans back in the seat as well, closing his eyes and trying to sort through his tangled emotions.
The bus ride continues, and eventually, they reach their destination: another hotel room where they'll be able to rest up before their next show tomorrow night.

Brayden swallows hard, trying to fight the lump forming in his throat. "Yeah... we were both pretty shitty." He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I miss you, Satoshi. I really do."
There's another long silence between them as they stare at each other, their hearts racing and their skin tingling with desire.
I miss you too… satoshi says quietly as he looks down at his desk. I really wish we stayed together…

Brayden's heart skips a beat at Satoshi's words. "Me too," he whispers, unable to keep the longing from his voice. He takes a step closer to Satoshi, reaching out to touch his cheek gently. "Can we... can we try again? Maybe give it another shot?"
Satoshi closes his eyes as Brayden's fingertips brush against his skin, feeling the warmth and tenderness of the touch.