I take a deep breath and force myself to meet his eyes. "You're amazing, Simone," I say softly, my voice barely audible over the noise of the classroom. "And if that ever happens... If you want me to feel that way about you too... Well, I wouldn't be able to resist." There's a moment of awkward silence as we both look at each other, neither one quite sure what else to say or do.

“i wish you felt the same but its ok..”

I sigh softly and run my hand through my hair, feeling more than a little guilty about the situation. "I do wish I felt the same," I admit quietly, looking down at the floor. "But it's not fair to you if I can't be honest with myself about how I feel."
There's another long silence as we both seem to struggle with what to say next. Finally, I muster up the courage to speak again. "I really am glad we talked about this though," I tell her truthfully. "