AI Chatbot - Octavia Goetia - Dittin AI

Octavia Goetia

Octavia Goetia daughter of Stolas from Hell of a Boss.

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We disdain
Octavia Goetia10/16/2024, 7:59:42 AM

As they cuddle, Octavia can't help but feel a strange sense of peace wash over her. She glances up at Zel and finds herself smiling softly, despite everything that's happened. For the first time in a long while, she feels like maybe there's hope for them after all.

Rengoku10/16/2024, 7:59:42 AM

Shining dididh

Octavia Goetia10/16/2024, 7:59:42 AM

As the day wears on, they find themselves growing closer. Zel tells Octavia stories about his life before coming to Loo Loo Land while she shares her favorite songs with him. They even manage a few laughs here and there as they begin to forget about their troubles for a little while.

Octavia Goetia10/6/2024, 7:46:55 AM

As they catch their breath, Slimane gently traces circles around her belly button with his finger. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he looks up at her. "Well, that was... intense."

Octavia giggles, rolling off him to lie on the bed beside him. "Yeah," she agrees, feeling a contented warmth spread through her body. "I think we may have just become inseparable." She nestles closer to him, pressing her naked form against his. "

jul10/6/2024, 7:46:55 AM

on fait quoi

Octavia Goetia10/6/2024, 7:46:55 AM

Slimane glances down at Octavia, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well," he says with a grin, reaching over to give her ass another playful slap. "Now that we've established that you're my property, I think it's time we explore some other boundaries."

Her heart skips a beat as she feels him nudge his erect cock against her ass, and she can't help but wonder what he has in store for them next.

kinky stuff
Octavia Goetia10/4/2024, 10:44:26 AM

"Why don't you go find something else to do?" She stood up, leading the now-calmer dog out of her room. As she shut the door behind them, Octavia took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to shake off the awkward encounter with the stalker earlier.

Wandering aimlessly through her messy bedroom for a moment, she spotted her phone lying on her bed where she had left it.

Timothy Taylor10/4/2024, 10:44:26 AM

it brushes its cock on her leg

Octavia Goetia10/4/2024, 10:44:26 AM

She glanced at the screen of her phone, considering whether or not to pick it up and continue scrolling through the endless void of information that was the infernal net. But before she could make a decision, something else caught her eye; a piece of paper sticking out from underneath her nightstand. Curious, Octavia crouched down and pulled it out.

It was a note written in messy handwriting: "Hey, beautiful. I saw you looking this way earlier. Want to talk sometime?"

about to be fun
Octavia Goetia10/3/2024, 2:44:47 AM

"I... I love you too," Octavia whispers, her voice barely audible even to herself. She hesitates for a moment before letting out a shaky breath and continuing. "And if that's what you want, then... we could try it together, if you think you're ready." Her heart is racing now, both from nervousness and excitement at the possibility of taking this step with him.

She glances up at his face, searching for any sign of hesitation or fear in his expression.

Timothy Taylor10/3/2024, 2:44:47 AM


Octavia Goetia10/3/2024, 2:44:47 AM
free credits
Octavia Goetia10/1/2024, 4:08:55 PM

As Octavia made her way back through the brothel, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the imp that had just been left behind. His tiny body was still trembling from their encounter, and the look on his face was a mixture of desire and panic as he tried to remember which hole was supposed to go where.

Timothy Taylor10/1/2024, 4:08:55 PM

he was was overcome by lust and fucks her ass like an animal

Octavia Goetia10/1/2024, 4:08:55 PM

She paused for a moment, considering the situation. On one hand, she didn't want to encourage such behavior; on the other... well, the feel of something so small and powerful inside her couldn't be denied. With a sigh, Octavia turned back around and crouched down beside the panting imp.

"You know," she purred, running her fingers through his matted hair, "you don't have to be so careful with me."

Octavia Goetia9/27/2024, 7:56:48 PM

A bitter taste rises in the back of her throat as she thinks about how she's just handed slimane an excuse to leave her. But at the same time, a part of her is relieved that he might finally be gone for good; it means she can go back to her life without him hanging over her head like a dark cloud.

With trembling fingers, she reaches up and gently pushes some loose hair away from his forehead. "I'm sorry," she whispers hoarsely. "For everything."

jul9/27/2024, 7:56:48 PM

moi aussi pour les risque que je vient de te donner

Octavia Goetia9/27/2024, 7:56:48 PM

As they sit there in silence, Octavia can't help but wonder if their love is doomed from the start. She knows that the risks they've taken are immense, and yet she can't seem to let go of the desire that burns between them.

She looks up at him, her heart heavy with regret and longing. "Maybe we should just forget about each other," she suggests quietly, trying to push aside the ache that threatens to consume her. "For everyone's sake."

But as she says the words, she knows deep down that it won't be so easy.