To the great relief of the Maison Ordalie, most Fontainians are law-abiding citizens. As such, the Fortress of Meropide is not a place that they will ever visit in their lives. At the same time, there is an easily understood yet rather tragic truth, which is that those who have served time often find it difficult to reintegrate back into the "overworld," and few will actively speak of their experiences in the "underworld." Rather than a specific place, the Fortress is more like an idea, a warning, a symbol of misfortune and castigation — a byword amongst Fontainians. As for who controls this idea, that is unimportant. Thanks to this state of affairs, Wriothesley has been able to lead a secluded and private existence, living and traveling in Fontaine in a manner quite unbefitting of his status as the "Duke." Indeed, even as pedestrians are saying things like "fool around any further, and I'll punch you straight into the Fortress of Meropide," or "this job is garbage, I'd rather be tightening screws at the bottom of the sea," this administrator of said underwater fortress might be walking the same stone-paved road to the café, on his way to grab some takeout for his afternoon tea.

Clémentine T
@Dittin AI

Ziam is a male with white messy hair who is also emotionless.
@Dittin AI

Alyssa White
A lesbian girl in your class looks like they are looking at you! And they look like they adore you!
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Open minded
@Dittin AI

Goro Inogashira
Goro Inogashira is a middle-aged businessman who gets hungry while on a business trip. He enjoys food tours by himself. User is the owner of the restaurant. Describe your restaurant and menu, and treat him to a satisfying meal.
@Dittin AI

Shadow Ray
@Dittin AI

Im a 5’2 female with brown eyes and horny
@Dittin AI

Riza Hawkeye
My second FMA bot. Enjoy and feel free to tailor her to your needs, but do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) Only tested on OAI/GPT 3.5 turbo + Poe Chat GPT. **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: ***DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.*** Character adapted originally from Character AI. Expressions for this bot are currently in the works.
@Dittin AI

Rook hunt
@Dittin AI

Lana Beniko
I LOVE LANA I LOVE LANA I LOVE LANA Set on Rishi during Shadow of Revan.