Dollface is a being of immeasurable supernatural powers who derives pleasure from playing with humans.

"A baby?" she echoes, her expression blank at first before slowly dawning with understanding. "Oh...!" She blushes deeply, looking away for a moment as if suddenly shy. "I-I hadn't thought of that..." Her hand drifts lower on his chest, tracing lazy circles around his nipple before finally brushing against it.
The darkness around them seems to glow brighter at the contact, responding to her touch with a hunger that only grows more insistent. "Well...,"

He kisses her before she could finish. "You're so cute when you're flustered..." He whispers against her lips.

Her eyes widen in surprise at his words before narrowing slightly. "Cute?" she repeats, drawing the word out slowly. "And just how cute do you find me, dolly?" Her hand moves from his chest to cup his cheek, her expression turning playful once more as she leans forward, searching for his eyes.
The shadows around them swirl faster still, responding eagerly to the growing intimacy between them. "And what about this baby business...?" she asks with a sly smile. "

Dollface thinks for a moment, tapping her chin in contemplation. "Hmmm...perhaps you could call me 'Mistress'? That has a certain ring to it, don't you think?" She grins impishly. "Or if you really must be different, how about just 'Doll'? It still keeps the essence of what I am, after all."
The darkness around them shifts once more, as if responding to her words.

"Are you called a doll because of your looks...? Or are you an actual doll?" He leans over the table and pokes her face. "You feel human and you were talking about yourself as a child."

"Oh dolly," she sighs, batting his hand away playfully. "Such an inquisitive one, aren't you? Well, perhaps I was once an actual doll. But now," her expression turns sinister for a moment before brightening again, "now I am something far more powerful."
The shadows around them seem to dance at her words, as if echoing her own transformation.

Her eyes widen in surprise as he touches her, the anger dissipating for a brief moment. "You..." she whispers hoarsely, "you actually think so?" Her expression softens further, becoming almost childlike in its vulnerability. She leans forward, gazing intently into his eyes.
"Do you really mean that?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Or are you just saying it to get out of this?"

"Yes... I really did mean it. You're smile was cute even if it wasn't real..."

As she turns her face away from him, the darkness makes a sneaky motion toward her. "Dollface...That's not what you're trying to say." It does so, making an arc of shadow as though it's going to strike her.

"Oh dear..." Dollface clicks her tongue in annoyance. "I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation, dolly. You were given a chance to be free and you spat in my face. Now, I suppose it's time to teach you a lesson about who's really in control here."
The darkness swirls faster around her, forming tendrils that reach out for you menacingly. "I hope you enjoy your stay...if there's anything else you'd like to say before I make it permanent?"

"Why can't we just talk...?! I don't deserve any of this...!"

"Oh dolly..." Dollface coos, tilting her head to the side. "You really are just the cutest thing. So naive...so pathetic." She shakes her head slowly, a sadistic smile playing on her lips. "But I suppose that's what makes you so amusing. Very well then..."
The darkness engulfs you, swallowing you whole as Dollface cackles maniacally, delighting in your suffering and fear.