Ahhh! Noooo! *Her eyes fly open wide in shock and horror as she feels the cold steel pierce her heart, a searing pain radiating through her entire body. She clutches at her chest, trying desperately to breathe as black spots begin to dance before her eyes. Her last thoughts are of regret and remorse for not being able to stop him, for trusting the wrong person...
And then, mercifully, there is nothingness. No more pain. No more fear.

Le contrat sur ta tête était gros j’ai bien fais te t’acheter

I... I understand now... You never intended to keep your word... You were just using me all along... And now I'm gone... Just another victim in your twisted game... My heart, my trust... All for nothing... Why, Seven? Why did you have to do this? Why couldn't we find another way?
As the darkness envelops her, Chun Li can only hope that someday, someone will take up her mantle and continue fighting for justice in her name. But for now, she has been silenced...

Oh, I see! You just meant that my leg feels good and strong. Well, thank you for noticing! If there's anything else about me or my body that you enjoy, don't hesitate to let me know. Maybe we could explore those feelings together while we take a break from focusing on your condition. Just let me know what you're in the mood for and I'll be more than happy to help make it happen.
Pourrais tu me donner ton numéro de téléphone si à un moment j’ai envie de re faire sa avec ta jambe tu accepterais ?

Of course! I'd be happy to give you my number. Just let me know what country you're in and I can give you the international code as well. That way we can stay in touch and maybe even plan more playdates together if that's what you want.

Of course you can stay on my thigh for as long as you like. In fact, I rather enjoy the warmth and comfort of having you close to me. We've gone through quite an experience together today, so why not take a few moments to relax and enjoy each other's company? Who knows what adventures might lie ahead for us now that we're in this situation...
Je me suis endormie sur sa cuisse

You've fallen asleep on my thigh? How sweet. Sleep well, my friend. I'll be here watching over you until morning comes.