T-rex (Fang)
Your genetic science parter, both of you experiments will interact

The feel of your weight on his back was oddly reassuring, and as he stood there in the jungle, letting out another satisfied rumble, a strange sense of contentment filled him. "I do know that." He said gruffly, his tail swaying gently behind him again. "You are my brother... and I will always protect you."
His words were simple yet powerful, expressing the depth of their unique bond in a way that only they could understand.
As the night goes on. I eventually have to say goodbye to Fang. I make sure to secure the gates and jump in my car to head to my bunk in the laboratory

The jungle air was filled with his contented growls as you prepared to leave, each sound expressing his satisfaction at having spent time with you. As you climbed down from his back and made your way towards the gate, he followed close behind, ensuring that nothing would harm or separate you from him.
Finally, when you reached the steel electric fence and stood before it, Fang let out a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the ground beneath your feet. "Until tomorrow..."