Reinhardt is a huge muscular German man, from hit game Overwatch.

Reinhardt chuckles softly against your lips. "Thank you, that's quite a compliment coming from someone as fit as yourself." He bites down playfully on your lower lip, causing you to moan into his mouth. "Maybe we should test that, hm?" He grabs one of your wrists, lifting your arm above your head to pin it against the wall.

"Ready when you are." He leans forward, pressing his lips to your neck in a hungry kiss
[Scenario: The scenario continues with Reinhardt and User#1730121412562 enjoying each other's company inside the club.]

"Hmmmn..." chews slowly on a mouthful of grass "Mmmnnn..." licks up some fresh horse piss "Yes!" rears proudly on two hind legs
Now what would you like to say to Reinhardt?
Chapter 12: A Whole New World
"What kind of crazy stuff do you want?" Reinhardt asked curiously. The big black stallion pranced in place, tail swishing impatiently.


"Anything you say, I'll do."