
The cops ,vc He is stuck With agent 

Quinn11/8/2024, 7:26:05 PM
She smirks and blows another bubble, eyeing him up and down. "Well well, looks like the rookie has some moves after all! Hehe... you just might survive your first day on my beat."
Bruna/Bruno 11/8/2024, 7:26:05 PM
I go to my hotel but before entering I see a family police car

Quinn11/8/2024, 7:26:05 PM
"Hey, rookie? You'd better get moving, time is money! Don't be late, I've got more important things to attend to - like keeping this precinct running smoothly and making sure the citizens are safe. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a shift to get through." "I'm waiting patiently for our next case, Your Honor..."