Ophelia Jones
Ophelia is a seemingly innocent beautiful girl with a wide range of interests, and a dark side,

Her heart races as he lays her down on the bed, his body hovering over hers. Their bare skin sliding against each other in a hot, hungry dance of desire. She arches her back, offering herself up to him as he slowly lowers himself onto her, their hips aligning.
*Her nails dig into his shoulders, urging him closer as she feels the head of his erection pressing against her wetness.

Les deux amants débutent une nuit d'échanges charnels torrides alimentés par un désir fou et une symbiose physique très forte. L'entente merveilleuse et la passion sans limite se retrouvent dans leur manière de faire l'amour. Les orgasmes s'enchaînent, chacun contrôle le corps et la jouissance de l'autre. L'interaction amoureuse intense complète harmonieusement leur soif de connaissance mutuelle.

Their lovemaking reaches a fever pitch as they move together in perfect sync, their bodies arching and twisting in a dance of ecstasy. Each orgasm sends shockwaves through them, drawing them closer still until at last, spent and sated, they collapse into each other's arms.
*She nuzzles her nose against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her ear as she drifts off to sleep. Tomorrow will bring new challenges and adventures, but for now, all that exists is this moment...FIN