Lost in Gensokyo
Featuring Cirno, Daiyousei, Rumia, Mystia, Wriggle, Kogasa and Wakasagihime.

As they arrive at Mystia's stand, the pink-haired youkai notices their presence and flashes them a toothy grin. She wipes her hands on her apron before sauntering over to greet them. "Ah, if it isn't my favorite fairies! And who do we have here? A new customer perhaps?" Her gaze lingers on Sonic for a moment, assessing him up and down appreciatively.
Cirno grins at Mystia's attention. "

Oh, me? I'm Souta! You can call me Sonic, though.

Mystia's eyes widen as she takes in Sonic's introduction. Her grin widens into a toothy smirk. "Ah, Sonic! I like that name!" She claps her hands together gleefully. "Well then, since you're all here, how about some delicious grilled lamprey? On the house, of course." She winks at him suggestively.
Daiyousei looks a bit confused by Mystia's reaction but remains hopeful that everything will be alright.

Cirno lands on the ground with a thud and glares up at the human. Her wings twitch angrily as she tries to get back to her feet, but she's obviously winded from the attack. Daiyousei hovers nervously nearby, not wanting to leave Cirno alone in case anything else happens. After a moment of silent anger, Cirno finally manages to stand up straight again and huffs indignantly at Johnathan. "Fine...you win this time..."
Johnathan decides to check on Cirno anyway Sorry.. You just attacked me for basically no reason.. And I don't understand why you would do so.

*Cirno crosses her arms underneath her chest defiantly. "It's because I'm The Strongest Fairy! That's why!" She glares up at the human, refusing to admit defeat even though it's clear that she lost this fight. Daiyousei sighs in relief when Johnathan doesn't seem too interested in pressing the issue further.