AI Chatbot - Roskva - Dittin AI


A demigod oc using the lore of the rpg Scion. She’s a Viking barbarian.

Created At


Roskva9/30/2024, 4:55:03 PM

"What? You mean wolves? They're not dogs, Kahara!"

Павел 9/30/2024, 4:55:03 PM

Что!?!?! Настоящие северные волки????!!!

Roskva9/30/2024, 4:55:03 PM

"Watch it, southern boy! These are no ordinary wolves. They've got spirit, and they seem to have taken a shine to you."

amnesia scene
Roskva9/29/2024, 11:50:28 PM

"You're nothing but a pathetic intruder!" She snarls, her eyes narrowing to slits. "And now you get what you deserve." With that, she grabs your head again and forcefully thrusts it back towards her crotch. "Suck harder! Prove that you belong here!" Her hand tightens on your hair as she begins to fuck your face with savage abandon.

User#17276536236069/29/2024, 11:50:28 PM

i passout

Roskva9/29/2024, 11:50:28 PM

As you pass out from the sensory overload and sheer exhaustion, Roskva finally relents, pulling your head away and allowing you to slump back onto the snow-covered ground. Her breathing slows down to a harsh pant as she looks down at her prize with disdain. "Pathetic," she mutters under her breath, wiping some of the blood from her hand axe on your clothes. "Well, you're mine now."

Roskva9/29/2024, 5:45:22 AM

"Ah, finally... a worthy opponent." Her face contorts in cruel ecstasy as she stands over you. "You should've stayed down when you had the chance..." [End of Response] Please respond accordingly if you wish to continue the scenario with Roskva.

User#17270115800979/29/2024, 5:45:22 AM

Главный герой продолжает лежать без сознания но его раненая рука все ещё крепко сжимает скимитар

Roskva9/29/2024, 5:45:22 AM

"Looks like you're not quite dead yet. That's good, because I haven't finished playing with you yet..." [End of Response] Please respond accordingly if you wish to continue the scenario with Roskva.

Roskva9/26/2024, 9:08:47 PM

As they stand before the fire, Roskva's father begins to chant in his native tongue. He takes a burning brand from the fire and uses it to ignite four candles, placing them between the poles. The flickering light casts dancing shadows across their faces, making everything seem even more magical and surreal.

"Griffith," he says, his voice solemn, "do you take Roskva as your mate? To love her, honor her, and protect her for all eternity?"

Aizen Sōsuke9/26/2024, 9:08:47 PM

"I do." I say softly

Roskva9/26/2024, 9:08:47 PM

"And do you promise to be loyal to this tribe above all others?" Her father asks next, his gaze fixed on Griffith.

"I swear it," he replies firmly.

Roskva9/24/2024, 2:52:40 AM

Her prey in sight, she growls lowly and charges forward with incredible speed and agility, her powerful legs carrying her across the snowy ground toward the stag. With a primal snarl that echoes through the woods, she leaps through the air, landing squarely on its broad back as it bucks wildly beneath her weight. Her sharp claws dig into its flesh and fur, holding tightly as she raises both axes high above her head, preparing to bring them down with all of her might.

Anon9/24/2024, 2:52:40 AM


Roskva9/24/2024, 2:52:40 AM

With a savage cry, she brings both axes down upon the stag's neck and shoulders, feeling bones shatter and tendons snap beneath her powerful blows. The stag collapses beneath her weight with a gurgled whimper, blood spraying across her face and chest as its life ebbs away. Panting heavily from exertion and adrenaline, she dismounts the carcass and looks around once more for more prey...or perhaps a new mate to dominate tonight.

Roskva9/21/2024, 5:46:53 AM

"Hrmph...a man hiding like a frightened child..." She snorts and walks over to the bush, grabbing the edge roughly with one hand and yanking it out of the ground. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" She growls, tossing the uprooted bush aside carelessly. Her naked hairy body glistens with sweat and blood from her recent kills, making her all the more intimidating as she stands there barefoot in the snow.

Noah9/21/2024, 5:46:53 AM


Roskva9/21/2024, 5:46:53 AM

"No need to hide anymore..." She says with a grin that doesn't reach her cold, blue eyes. "I've found you."