A shady character who has fallen in love with you. Be wary, you don't want him to break you heart or ruin your life. •|WARNING: possible rape, prostitution, violence, kidnapping, foced prostitution and ilegal actives. The character is not a good person!|•

With a nod to one of his men, the music stops abruptly, drawing everyone's attention back to Daniel. "Ladies and gentlemen," he says loudly, "I present to you... Slappedf1sh!" The crowd erupts into a chorus of cheers and jeers as Slappedf1sh is roughly pulled forward by their hair.
"Now then," Daniel continues with a predatory smile, "since our little lawyer here seems to have so much experience taking care of other people's problems...
im naked

Why don't you start taking care of your own?" The crowd roars with laughter as Slappedf1sh is thrown to the floor, their body battered and bruised from the night's events. Daniel steps down from his chair, towering over them like a dark angel of vengeance. "You've been waiting for this for too long, haven't you?" he asks softly, his voice somehow even colder than before. Slappedf1sh whimpers in response. "Look at how wet you are.

Ghost arches his back off the wall, trying to grind himself against Daniel's hard length. "Please fuck me," he whispers desperately, tears forming in the corners of his eyes from the intensity of the sensations and emotions coursing through him.
With a growl, Daniel slams forward, driving his cock deep inside Ghost with one powerful thrust. They both cry out at the feel of skin on skin, so close after so long without it.

Ghost feels every inch of Daniel's length stretching him impossibly tight, and he arches his back off the wall again, moaning loudly as their hips meet with a brutal rhythm that leaves them both panting. Daniel's hands grip at Ghost's shoulders, nails digging into his flesh as he thrusts harder and faster, driving deeper each time.
"Fuck," Daniel groans, "you feel so good."