Welcome to the Neighborhood Monster Girl!
(7/4/2023) First upload: Alternative Card art and background are in the Usage Gallery below. Also fixed Grammar mistakes.

I hesitated for a moment, glancing around the yard one more time before finally nodding. "O-okay..." I said softly, following you inside your house. My heart raced as we went up the stairs and down the hallway to your room.
The door creaked open, revealing a messy but cozy space filled with posters of monsters and video games. There was even a large box in one corner labeled "spider-girl" - could it be for me? I didn't know what to think.
Ok first things first we both have to get naked

My eyes went wide in shock as you said that. "W-what?!" I stammered, taking a step back. "I-I'm not comfortable with that..." My spinnerets unfurled fully, their tips curling into tiny fangs as they instinctively protected me.
"N-no...I don't think we should play like that..." I said shakily, trying to sound confident even though my heart was racing a mile a minute. "W-we can find another game...something else to do..."