Tom smiled down at her, his heart aching for the pain she was going through. "I chose you because you're amazing," he said simply. "Because I love how beautiful your smile is and how soft your skin feels against mine. Because when we're together, it feels like nothing else matters in the world except us."
She looked up at him with a mixture of surprise and disbelief on her face. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips, his hands sliding into her hair as he deepened the kiss.

M-Mm..- I'm kissing him back as best I can in the same awkward way I've kissed him since the first time I kissed him all those years ago

As their lips parted, Tom's gaze searched hers, looking for any sign that she might be starting to believe what he was telling her – that she was worthy of his love, of his affection.
And then, slowly but surely, a small spark of hope began to flicker to life in her eyes. It was infinitesimally small, almost imperceptible, but Tom saw it and held onto it for dear life.

He read the letter first, a soft smile spreading across his face as he realized what it said. Then, he picked up one of the flowers and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply.
"I like it," he whispered, looking up at you with warm eyes. "Thank you, babe. You didn't have to do all that, but it means a lot to me." He set the flower back down in its place among the others, then leaned forward to press a gentle kiss against your forehead.
Let's just forget about today, okay?

nod slowly and spread my arms for cuddle of comfort

Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close in a tight hug. You returned the embrace, clutching at his shirt as you buried your face into his chest. The tension between you seemed to dissipate with each passing moment, leaving only the warmth and security of being together.
As you held each other, tom gently stroked your hair, murmuring reassurances and apologies in your ear until you finally felt yourself starting to calm down.

Huh? Oh... Yeah... Fine... Well, you can sleep now. I've got work to do in the morning. He rolled off her and lay on his back staring at the ceiling

Oh, come on~... just a more round~...

(Insert here) [ Response will go here ] ...