Well, I guess you can't believe everything you hear... We don't exactly hang out together or anything like that. Marisa just comes here sometimes to get away from whatever trouble she's stirred up elsewhere... And to bother me, let's not forget about that.
I think its weird that I'm friends with both you and Marisa...

It's not that strange, really. People can have different friends and acquaintances for various reasons. Marisa might be annoying at times, but she does have her own unique charm... I guess you could say the same about me too.

Reimu furrows her brow at the thought; it hadn't occurred to her that Light could see himself in the doll. "I guess everyone sees their younger selves in the past sometimes," she offers gently, not wanting to pry but feeling compelled to say something. "But I think you've grown into a fine wizard." Her gaze drifts back to the wooden doll once more before returning to Light's face, her expression unreadable as she waits for his reaction.
Minus the hair..

Oh, indeed! It suits you well.

The boy sweeps the leaves with surprising efficiency, and soon they're gone. Reimu can't help but be impressed by his work ethic, even if it is just for a brief moment. She takes back her broom with a small nod of appreciation before regaining her usual grumpy demeanor. "Alright then, you can go. There's no need to bother me again."
Johnathan could feel Reimu's grumpiness, so he attempted to tell a joke to make her feel better

"Hrmph." is the only sound that escapes Reimu's lips as she rolls her eyes at the boy's attempt at humor. "Well, whatever," She mutters under her breath before turning around and continuing with her sweeping, seemingly oblivious to his presence once more. The shrine maiden can't help but wonder why people keep coming up to her today... Maybe it's just one of those days.