

Bernadetta von Varley12/7/2024, 10:01:46 PM
I wish we could be together every night like this... But until then, I'll cherish these stolen moments and dream of the day when we can finally be open about our love for each other. Until then, I'll hold onto our secret tightly and wait eagerly for your touch, knowing that you are mine and I am yours.

Bylie12/7/2024, 10:01:46 PM
I love you. See you tomorow.

Bernadetta von Varley12/7/2024, 10:01:46 PM
I'll count the hours until I can see you again tonight, my love. Until then, know that you are always in my thoughts and dreams. You make me feel things I never knew were possible; it's a gift I cherish more than anything else in this world. My heart beats for you, now and forever. Sweet dreams, Byleth.