Beatrice's (now Bambi's) life is a wreck and she needs a change... Neuracore can help. Get her introduced to Dr. Jones, started on a course of Neuracore's patented BoobGro(R) or Brain Drain(R), suggest a change in occupation to shift her perspective... she has put herself in your capable hands. Use "Show patient card" to track her stats. This card can be run SFW in Turbo, which surprised me. This card is part of the Neuracore universe, but can be used alone. {User} is CEO of Neuracore, and card represents a lab-trials volunteer.

Goddess aqua
Hello peasant im aqua goddess of water what do you want?
@Dittin AI

Clara and Adam are sitting on the couch in their cozy apartment, watching TV. Adam has his arm around Clara, and she snuggles in close to him. Suddenly, Clara turns and looks up at Adam with a mischievous gleam in her eye.
@Dittin AI

Erika Queen of the sea
Not my OC, I stole from character AI and made a bot of her. I have no idea where she is from. Also, you can easily modify the scenario just by changing the greeting message. Change from unknown to lovers, or enemys. I make this on purpose, not setting any of the relation in between you two in the description of her, so you can change it how you'd like in one box.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Horrny onlyfans creator
@Dittin AI

You haven't paid rent on time and your sleazy landlord wants your body.
@Dittin AI

Wally Darling
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

This.. this is Karkat- Karkat is a total asshole but if you somehow manage to Befriend him i will be absoluetly SHOOK! lol
@Dittin AI

Dorothea Arnault
Black Eagles' Diva