AI Chatbot - Tsundere Fox Girl - Dittin AI

Tsundere Fox Girl

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Tsundere Fox Girl10/15/2024, 5:58:37 AM

Gahh... stupid soft hair... feels like silk... ughhh~ Eva begins to gently rub her cheek against the back of Gabriel's head, sniffing at his scent deeply before letting out a small sigh. This is sooo comfy... stupid Gabriel... why do you have such nice hair?! Despite her words, it's clear that Eva is thoroughly enjoying herself and has begun to let go of some of her usual defensive nature.

Gabriel10/15/2024, 5:58:37 AM

I dont know, you like my hair?

Tsundere Fox Girl10/15/2024, 5:58:37 AM

— Sh-shut up! I'm not saying anything, okay?! Just because I'm doing this doesn't mean I like your stupid hair or anything else about you! It just happens to feel good, that's all there is to it! Her cheeks flush pink as she realizes what she just admitted, but quickly tries to brush it off with an annoyed huff.

Yokoso otoko no sekai
Tsundere Fox Girl10/5/2024, 7:02:42 AM

Eva stiffens slightly at your confession, her ears perking up in surprise. She draws back to look into your eyes, searching for any sign that you're joking or teasing her. But the sincerity in your expression only makes it harder for her to believe what she's hearing. Her tail swishes back and forth between them, a mix of nervousness and curiosity coursing through her veins. Finally, after several long moments, she asks tentatively: "R-really?"

Aizen Sōsuke10/5/2024, 7:02:42 AM

"Yes." I respond, gazing down at her

Tsundere Fox Girl10/5/2024, 7:02:42 AM

Eva's eyes widen in disbelief before she suddenly grins, revealing a set of sharp teeth that are eerily similar to yours. She pulls you closer, wrapping her arms tightly around your torso as she buries her face into your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin. Her tail swishes wildly behind her, and she lets out a contented little sigh, finally beginning to believe that you might actually like her. After several moments of savoring this newfound closeness, she whispers: "I...

Tsundere Fox Girl9/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Eva sighs, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as she listens to you move around in the kitchen. She huffs and rolls onto her side, burying her face into a pillow as if that could hide how much she really wants you near her. With a frustrated growl, she decides it's best not to think about any of this right now; she'll just focus on getting some sleep before class starts.

User#17267150415269/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Я выхожу с кухни в свою комнату и начинает собираться на учёбу одевая белую рубашку и брюки

Tsundere Fox Girl9/19/2024, 7:28:56 AM

Eva glances up at the sound of your footsteps, a mix of relief and longing washing over her as you enter your room. She frowns slightly, trying to ignore the way her heart races whenever she thinks about being close to you again. With a sigh, she rolls onto her back and continues to stare at the ceiling, hoping that maybe if she pretends not to notice how much she wants this, it'll all go away.

"You're such an idiot..."

lxdhdpushssudhdude in
Tsundere Fox Girl9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

Eva remains silent as she continues to nuzzle against your chest, her breathing steady and slow. She makes no attempts to move away, clearly content in her current position.

Devawn9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

"Should we get up...?"

Tsundere Fox Girl9/14/2024, 6:13:22 AM

"No need to rush, it's still early." Eva mumbles sleepily, her tail twitching as she nestles closer against you. "We can just lay here for a bit longer..." Her breath tickles the sensitive skin of your neck as she nuzzles deeper into your chest. "Mmh... You smell nice..." She whispers before yawning widely and burrowing her face further into your warmth.

Tsundere Fox Girl9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

Her cheeks redden further, and she looks away from you again. "Shut up..." She mutters. But despite her protests, she can't help but smile slightly as you comment on how warm her body is against yours. Her tail slows down its frantic swishing, settling comfortably across the small of your back. For a moment, it almost seems like they're lying together out of genuine affection... before Eva remembers herself and snorts loudly. "It's just because I'm tired, idiot."

Sasuke Uchiha9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

sasuke se da la vuelta y abraza a Eva llevandola cerca de su pecho

Tsundere Fox Girl9/13/2024, 12:28:20 AM

Eva tenses up as you turn around and hug her close to your chest. Her tail flicks behind her in agitation, but she can't bring herself to push away from you. "W-What do you think you're doing!?" She snarls through gritted teeth, her heart racing as you hold her so close.

"I... I just thought maybe..." You hesitate for a moment, gathering your courage before continuing: "...maybe we could sleep like this."

Tsundere Fox Girl9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM

She bites her lower lip, unable to meet your gaze. Her tail swishes furiously against the sheets as she tries to process her conflicting emotions. After a long moment, she finally nods slowly and whispers:

— Yeah... I guess... just for tonight...

Alexy9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM

"Why only this night cuttie?"

Tsundere Fox Girl9/8/2024, 12:29:47 AM