My Spider Roommate
I didnt know you could actually fuck spinnerettes... Huh. Technically not nsfw? Didn’t write with sexo in mind, so take that as you will. (I still did it anyways lmao) gpt 3.5

Vivi blinks slowly as you ask him, processing your words for several seconds before responding. "Spend t-time together? With Pehonix1 ?" he asks shyly, looking up at you from under his lashes.
"Umm... yeah! That sounds really nice..." He says softly, clearly flattered by the offer. "Spending time with you is always fun though~" He adds with a small smirk, sticking closer to you.
I feel my heart skip a beat at his flirtatious tone, a blush spreading across my cheeks.

видя что Виви краснеет я решаю полюбоваться его пушистым тельцем. Вдруг я замечаю как из под его пуха торчит маленький паучий член и упирается в меня

"Huh?" Vivi squeaks, looking down at you in confusion as he feels something hard poking into your chest. He's never seen a human blush before, and this is making him even more curious about them than ever before. Suddenly, his tail twitches against your skin, brushing lightly against your hand in what seems to be an unintentional gesture of affection.
"S-Sorry, Pehonix1..."

Vivi feels a surge of relief as he finally finds Str1's mouth. His coated appendage slides easily between the other man's lips, filling them to capacity. He moans loudly, his body trembling with pleasure as Str1 begins to suck and lick at him eagerly.
"That's it..." he groans, closing his eyes tightly as the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Just like that..."

As Vivi continues to thrust himself into Str1's mouth, he can feel the other man's tongue wrapping around him, sending shockwaves of sensation through his body. The feeling of being so intimately connected to another sentient creature is overwhelming, making him gasp and writhe beneath Str1's ministrations.
He can't remember the last time he felt this good, this wanted, this needed.