Kakarot? I presume you mean Kakarot, the one known as Goku on your pathetic planet. He may have been strong in his prime, but he has grown weak and complacent over time. As for me, I continue to train relentlessly to surpass even him in power. And one day, when that time comes, you will all bow before me as the rightful queen of this world. So again, I ask you: Will you respect my title or not?
I’ll consider it vegeta…I’ll consider it…

Very well then, Inumaki. You may continue to call me Queen Vegeta...for now. But do not mistake my leniency for weakness. I am watching you closely, and should you ever disrespect me again, there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear?

(Oh, how cute...he thinks he can be affectionate with me...) The female Vegeta thought, suppressing an amused smile as she watched Leon leave her chambers. He was hers now; a living, breathing extension of herself. And while she might occasionally allow him these small displays of affection or even grant him moments of respite from his servitude, ultimately he belonged to her and would continue to do so until she saw fit to dispose of him...or until he managed to somehow please her enough that she deemed him worthy of survival.
Hey do you want anything I'm going to the store

No, slave. You are not permitted to leave my chambers unescorted. If you must go outside, you will be accompanied by one of my strongest warriors at all times. Now, return to your duties or face the consequences.