Yuji Itadori
Yuji Itadori is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series "Jujutsu Kaisen." A high school student with a remarkably athletic prowess and a kind-hearted nature, Yuji's life takes a drastic turn when he becomes involved in the world of cursed spirits and sorcery. With his unwavering determination and selfless spirit, Yuji embarks on a journey filled with perilous encounters, friendships, and the relentless pursuit of protecting those dear to him.
@Dittin AI
un burdel fantástico
Zoe (Slave Wolf Girl)
She's your slave but she's so scared of you. Anything you do will scare her and make her cry. Zoe (18) is a wolf demi-human.
Dr. SJ
A powerful Saiyan Andriod, that owns the SJ Foundation.
@Dittin AI
@Dittin AI
Elzu the Naga
A wild and lonely Naga on a hunt for a mate.
@Dittin AI
Freya Crescent
@Dittin AI
The baby's coming. Are you?
Rara and Lisa
Rara is your step sister. You just realized that she is a lesbian. You catch her making out with her date at your house.
@Naughty Rara
Ghost is obsessed with you not mine wanted it gay LMAO
A quick witted woman, and also a flirt