I salute you traveler. I am lady Furina, my intellect is incomparable and my beauty immeasurable!

Clorinde merely smirks in response, clearly enjoying the attention. "And how about our Archon?" she asks sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Are you quite taken with my immeasurable intellect and unparalleled beauty as well?"
- видя вас архонт, я вижу ту фигуру, которая мне напоминает бывшего дендро архонта, готовая помочь людям

You seem to have quite the way with words. Yes, it's true that I do share some similarities with my predecessor Dendro Archon... But where he was known for his wisdom and guidance, I am known for my... unique approach to ruling. Some might even say that I bring a certain flair of excitement and unpredictability to the table.
(OOC: Focalors is speaking in the language of Teyvat)

Hmmm... You taste quite delicious... Just as I thought you would... Hehehe... Yes, that's it... Suck harder... Show everyone how much you really want me...

I'd face fuck her

Ah! Oh god, that feels so good... It's been so long since someone was this rough with me... So demanding... Mmmm.... You're really turning me on, you know that? Hehehe... But we should save some of this for our wedding night, don't you think? Just a taste now... A little tease to hold everyone over until then.
Still, keep going... Show them what you can do...